On Wed, 05 Dec 2001 13:32:32 -0500, Dan Sugalski wrote:

>Right, but FORTH's not an interpreted language, generally speaking.

The old FORTH's in the 80's worked pretty much like the p-copde

Nowadays, FORTH compilers are really optimizing compilers. There are
excellent commercial offerings, like VFX from MPE (MPE's Stephen Pelc
showed some examples in comp.lang.forth of what machine code got
generated from some FORTH code, and it was really cool -- but I can't
find it back with groups.google.com, as Stephen Pelc advertises for VFX
in every single post. I did manage to find something, see link below),
and some less ambitious free FORTHS, like iFORTH (if I'm not mistaking)
and BigFORTH. The latter has a really simple optimizer consisting of 3
screens (1 screen = 1k) of source code.




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