> If the new, spiffy features of Perl6 are out of my reach that 60-80% of
> the time, and I have to use "perl5compat -nle ...", then the usefulness
> of this new language will be largely lost on me.

I'm not sure I follow. What hypothetical features are you talking about 
here? From what I've seen, Perl 6 is going to be as much of a one-line 
scripting language as Perl 5, if not more, but also a much better 
structured language.  I mean, look at hyper-operators. If those aren't a 
one-liner thing I don't know what is.

That's also why I was asking for chaining statement 
modifiers. I don't want to have to put curlies in my one-liner just 
because it has an if _and_ a while. I mean, if if is just a backwards and,
and you can chain ands, why can't you chain ifs?

Oh, sorry for the rant. 

One thing I'd like to see is the argument lost on the -i argument, so I 
can do search and replaces on files with:
        perl -pie 's/apple/blueberry/g'


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