On Sunday, November 10, 2002, at 11:44  AM, Michael Lazzaro wrote:
TASK 1a:

Produce a _complete_ outline of all necessary documentation for Section
1, including the topics introduced and the order in which those topics
are represented.
As an example, here is a very crude partial outline that I created a while back:

[] Values
[] literal numbers
[] literal strings

[] Variables
[] names
[] declaring
[] scope
[] my
[] our
[] temp
[] full package name
[] type
[] properties
[] rw, const, ?
[] assignment to
[] assertions on [fetch,store]

[] Scalars
[] implementing type
[] method calls of
[] properties of
[] overloading implementing type

[] Booleans
[] (references transparent to)
[] declaring
[] assignment to
[] accessing

[] Numbers
[] (...unfinished, similar to "Strings", below...)
[] auto BigInts, BigRats

[] Strings
[] declaring
[] assignment to
[] putting nonprintable characters in
[] ascii
[] Unicode
[] accessing
[] returns in bool context
[] returns in num context
[] @arr[-1]
[] length (chars,bytes,elements)
[] type of
[] q operators
[] q
[] qq
[] qw
[] qx
[] implementing type
[] method calls of
[] properties of
[] overloading implementing type

[] concatenate
[] ~ operator
[] interpolation
[] scalar: "$(expr)"
[] list : "@(expr)"
[] sub : "&(expr)" or "&foo(expr)" ?
[] parens now required
[] " ... \q{foo} ... "
[] ' ... \qq{$foo} ... '
[] ...etc...
[] " ... \L{ stuff } ... "
[] " ... \U{ stuff } ... "
[] " ... \Q{ stuff } ... "
[] make sure to backslash curlies inside meaningful curlies
[] printf formats
[] ' ... %d ... ' (single quotes or interpolates)
[] problems with interpolating too much
[] "$foo[bar]" vs. "$foo\Q[bar]" (using \Q)
[] Heredocs
[] begin
[] terminator
[] automatic whitespace removal
[] type (q,qq,...)

[] Arrays
[] implementation
[] flattening *@args
[] non-flattening $@args
[] lazy &@args
[] hashlist *%args
[] declaring
[] assignment to
[] ()
[] []
[] qw
[] can be spelled < >
[] ( $a .. $b )
[] ( $a .. $b : $step )
[] accessing
[] values
[] @arr[-1]
[] slices
[] *@arr to flatten
[] returns ref to itself in scalar context
[] lazyness
[] ( 1 .. Inf )
[] ($first,@rest) = ( 1 .. Inf ) # should work
[] type of contents, or untyped
[] implementing type
[] method calls of
[] properties of
[] overloading implementing type
[] assertions on [get,put,clear,...]
[] [1,2,3] means scalar(list(1,2,3))

[] Hashes
[] declaring
[] assignment to
[] accessing
[] values
[] as pairs (a => b)
[] keys of %( a=>b, c, d=>e ) are (a,c,d) (binding of '=>')
[] returns in bool context
[] returns .keys in numeric context
[] .reset (iterators)
[] slices
[] lazyness of keys, vals
[] type of val, or untyped
[] type of keys, or default, or untyped
[] implementing type
[] method calls of
[] properties of
[] overloading implementing type
[] assertions on [get,put,clear,...]

[] References
[] transparency in bool context

[] Context
== bit, int, num, str, ref ->
[] scalar
[] bit $foo
[] int $foo
[] num $foo
[] str $foo
[] object ($foo, %foo, MyClass @foo, &foo, etc.)
[] list
[] flattening *@args
[] non-flattening $@args
[] lazy &@args
[] hashlist *%args
[] casting
[] scalar(expr)
[] list(expr)
[] hash(expr)
[] hash {}
[] objlist(expr1, expr2, ...) (scalar context to list of exprs)
[] sub {}
[] can casting also be spelled $foo.int, etc.?
[] determining context

[] Properties
[] declaring
[] attaching to (compiletime)
[] is
[] multiples: is foo bar zap
[] attaching to (runtime)
[] but

[] accessing
[] $foo.propname
[] assigning to
[] temp $self.propname = 0; # assigns to propname
[] temp $self is propname = 0; # wrong, assigns to $self

[] properties are method calls
[] but foo($a,$b,$c)
[] multiples: but foo bar zap

[] on vars
[] on vals/expressions
[] { return $foo but false }
[] on sub declarations

[] is rw
[] is constant
[] is same (memoized)
[] is private, is public
[] is lazy
[] is weak (?)


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