In my opinion, this outline puts too much weight on the first section. 
I would prefer it to be made of just the basic concepts and have 
forward references to the apropiate sections.

For example: I wouldn't put the list of methods supported by each of 
the types in Section 1. Instead of this, I would point to the 
reference of Built-in classes.

This would be a set of documents structured by class, where the user 
would find: 

- The inheritance tree of the Class
- The run-time and compile-time properties that affect the behaviour 
of objects of this class.
- The public methods and attributes of the class.
- What is its value in boolean/numeric/Foo... context.

For example: the reference of the Object class would explain the rw, 
const, etc.. properties; and the methods that any object implements. 
The same for the String, Number, Code, etc.. class.

I imagine it could structured in something like this:

Class String

Represents Perl String values. It is automatically constructed when 
you write literal strings, or string quotes (q, qq).

INHERITS FROM: Object (or Scalar?)



 - bool: When used in boolean context, returns true if the string has 
non-zero length and false otherwise.

 - num: Returns the number represtened by the string. If there is no 
possible interpretation as a number, returns 0. The interpretation of 
number representations is the same that when writing literal numbers.


 - chars(): return the number of chars that the string is made of
 - bytes(): return the length of the string in bytes. This will be 
usually different from chars, whenever the string is in a multi-byte 
(as you can see, my imagination is not very original indeed)

I also would remove any formal explanation of operators, to avoid 
duplication with an Operators chapter. And I think that the right 
place to explain sprintf formats is the sprintf function reference.

This approach would leave Section 1 with the role of introducing the 
basic concepts and an explanation of how to use them (with some 
informal examples, and pointers to right sections).

A final question: I am afraid I don't know what "implementing type" 
and "overloading implementing type" are about. Could you explain 
them? Thanks.


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