Michael Lazzaro writes:
 > On Sunday, November 10, 2002, at 11:44  AM, Michael Lazzaro wrote:
 > > TASK 1a:
 > >
 > > Produce a _complete_ outline of all necessary documentation for Section
 > > 1, including the topics introduced and the order in which those topics
 > > are represented.
 > As an example, here is a very crude partial outline that I created a 
 > while back:

I think , this still need some general introduction that just ties
together in one picture all these
staff . something like your introduction with less details. 

because it seems that after you describe only what can *fit* in the
picture . something like , you describe *every* particular flower in
the garden , I first want to see the whole of it at ones as much as it
is possible. because ultimately the peacfull whole of perl features is 
what is so beatiful and exciting about perl. 

Apocalypseses adn Exercises ( 
DConway> Apotheosis 3 and Excoriation 3?
DConway> Apoplexy 3 and Exorcism 3?
DConway> Apogee 3 and Escapevelocity 3?

are first and formost exciting and stimulating. So we can try follow
them as much as it is apprpriate. 

just my own wishes from this project. I a bit egoistic :-) .
sorry for that  . 

 > [] Values
 >      [] literal numbers
 >      [] literal strings
 >  ....


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