--- Dan Sugalski <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> At 9:51 AM -0800 1/14/03, Jonathan Sillito wrote:
> >Dan,
> >
> >Below are some questions about this ...
> And now some answers. :)
> >  > -----Original Message-----
> >>  From: Dan Sugalski [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> >
> >[snip]
> >
> >>  Objects, as far as I see it, have the following properties:
> >>
> >>  1) They have runtime-assignable properties
> >
> >Terminology question: what is the difference between a property and an
> >attribute? Perhaps the answer could go in the glossary.
> A property is a runtime assignable name/value pair that you stick on 
> a variable or value. An attribute is a named variable that all 
> objects of a particular class have.
> Properties can come and go at runtime, but attributes are fixed. (I 
> think you could also consider attributes "instance variables", but 
> I'm a bit OO fuzzy so I'm not sure that's entirely right)
> >  > #3 Since each class has a PMC type, we just need to associate the PMC
> >>    type with the data a class needs. Also pretty much no big deal, and
> >>    something we already have facilities for.
> >
> >So, while there may be exceptions, generally all classes will be instances
> >of the Class PMC, true?
> Generally, yes.
> >  > The call/jmpmeth opcodes either make a returnable or non-returnable
> >>  method call. They fetch the function pointer from the object PMC and
> >>  either dispatch to it or save the current state and jsr to it. Note
> >>  that you can't jmpmeth into a C-implemented method, so no tail
> >>  calling into those without some wrapper opcodes. The registers still
> >>  need to be set up appropriately, just like with a regular sub call.
> >
> >So the call opcode takes a method name or offset and calls a vtable method
> >to find the method and then invokes it?
> Yep.
> >  > The find_method vtable entry should die, and be replaced with a plain
> >>  method entry. This should return either the address of the start of
> >>  the method's bytecode, or NULL. The NULL return is for those cases
> >>  where the method actually executed via native code, and thus doesn't
> >>  have to go anywhere. If an address is returned it's expected that the
> >>  engine will immediately dispatch to that spot, obeying parrot's
> >>  calling conventions.
> >
> >Not sure what this means, does it mean that there is a method named
> >"find_method" accessed something like
> >
> >   call Px, Py, "find_method"
> >
> >which I can then call to find the method or am I off?
> You're off. It'll be something like:
>     callmethod Px, "method_name"
> or
>     jmpmethod Px, "method_name"
> >  > The structures:
> >>
> >>  *) Attr PMCs have an array off their data pointer.
> >>
> >>  *) Classes are variants of Attr PMCs. They have the following
> >>    guaranteed attributes in slots:
> >>
> >>      0) Hash with class name to attribute offset
> >
> >I am not sure what this means, Don't we already have the class and it's
> >attributes if we are accessing these slots?
> Well...
> The problem is finding which slot to access, a problem that's 
> compounded by multiple inheritance.
> Let's say, for example, that you have a class A, which inherits from 
> B and C. Let's also say that each class has 10 attributes, and you 
> have a fixed-width mail reading font. The inheritance diagram then 
> looks like:
>       C   B
>        \ /
>         |
>         A
> Since the attributes are an array, it looks like:
> 012345678901234567890123456789
> We make a method call and it gets resolved to be one we inherited 
> from B. Now, how does B know which slots in the object holds its 
> attributes? In a single-inheritance case, it could assume that since 
> it has no parents it can start at slot 0, but that doesn't work 
> here--C is first. So what B needs to do is query the object to find 
> out where the attributes for class B start in the attribute array, 
> and to do that it looks in the hash stored in the object's class 
> attributes that maps class names to starting offsets. From there B 
> can figure out what slot to look in, since class attributes are 
> contiguous, and thus there only needs to be a single lookup.
> Single inheritance makes all this resolvable at compile time, which 
> would be so much nicer. Alas, no joy for us there.
> >  >     1) Hash with attribute name to attribute offset (relative to the
> >>         offset found from the hash in slot 0, generally known at
> >>         compile time, but introspection is nice)
> >>      2) Integer number of attributes this class has
> >>      3) Notification array
> >
> >Do we store ptrs to parent classes in one of these slots? Also Can I
> access
> >slots like:
> >
> >   set Px, Py[1]    # store the name to offset hash in Px
> No the parent's gotten to via the vtable, and yes you can.
> >So to sum up we need the following pmc's:
> >
> >   pmclass Ref {
> >     data is a pointer to an object
> >   }
> >
> >   pmclass Attr {
> >     data is an array of attributes
> >   }
> >
> >   pmclass Class extends Attr {
> >   }
> >
> >   pmclass Object {
> >     this was not explained, but I guess it at least
> >     has a reference to a Class and field data ???
> >   }
> >
> >Does that cover it?
> I'd say so, yep.
> -- 
>                                          Dan
> --------------------------------------"it's like this"-------------------
> Dan Sugalski                          even samurai
> [EMAIL PROTECTED]                         have teddy bears and even
>                                        teddy bears get drunk

Seems pretty reasonable, but don't you mean PerlRef, PerlAttr, PerlClass,

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