Sounds like we want objects *and* classes to support:

static_attribs - which are defined at compile time and
accessed by offset probably stored in an array.

dynamic_attribs - which come and go at run time and are
generally accessed by name and likely stored in a hash.

Jonathan Sillito

> -----Original Message-----
> From: Nicholas Clark [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> Sent: January 15, 2003 12:41 PM
> To: Dan Sugalski
> Subject: Re: Objects, finally (try 1)
> On Wed, Jan 15, 2003 at 11:17:17AM -0500, Dan Sugalski wrote:
> > In that case they'd correspond to our properties, and I can already
> > feel a massive terminology disconnect looming. Maybe we should rename
> > properties and attributes to frobs and thingies, just so there's no
> > overlap. :(
> We could call them houses and hotels -  you'd only be allowed attributes
> after you had 4 properties, and if you want to mortgage, er serialise the
> object you'd have to hand them all back to the bank, er GC system.
> Mmm. Maybe that's taking the analogy well beyond breaking point.
> I've had a look in a thesaurus for words similar to property and
> attribute,
> and I can't see much that's good. "idiosyncrasy" is a nice word,
> but it's 6
> syllables, and hard to spell. "satellite" seems quite good for objects and
> "stuff" that are hangers-on, as does "chattels". I quite liked the idea of
> "virtue" for a quality, although I'm not sure if Larry would sanction PMCs
> having vices as well :-)
> The downside of finding completely new names for these two
> concepts is that
> everyone would have to learn what they meant. The upside is that
> there would
> be no confusion with every other language's contradictory definitions.
> Nicholas Clark

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