If memory serves me right, Dan Sugalski wrote:
> rather than attributes, but I may be incorrect here. Are the current 
> python instance attributes both:
> *) defined per object rather than per class
> *) Essentially global, that is not hidden from parent classes or 
> anything. (Basically one big pool 'o things attached to the object)

Speaking out of turn .... Python instance stuff is per Object ...
And from the looks of it's just a dictionary lookup in the 
obj.__dict__ dictionary ... So the stuff looks essentially global.


class Foo:
        def __init__(self):
        def toString(self):
                return self.Name

class FooBar(Foo):
        def __init__(self,name):

print a.toString()

PS: considering the fact that non-virtual functions are the only portion
    holding out the TreeCC Python plugin , I have had quite some heart burn
    with this. (or I need a switch statement :)
The difference between insanity and genius is measured by success

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