On Thursday, January 16, 2003, at 08:57  AM, Mark J. Reed wrote:
On 2003-01-16 at 11:41:56, Dan Sugalski wrote:
And keyboards, don't forget keyboards. These pesky primitive ones we
have now would require a lot of shift-control-alt-meta-cokebottle key
Unicode may have thousands of characters, but how many of them do you
think you'll use often enough to need as keys? Even if Perl6 adopted all the
Unicode operators suggested so far and several more, you should easily be
able to make them one-modifier or at worst two-modifier keyboard macros.
Well, I don't know about anyone else, but *I'm* planning on making many, many Unicode synonyms, to make my code shorter and more readable.

For example, C<for> is too long, so I want to just make it curly-f, (ƒ). And C<when> is even longer, so I'm going to use something else, probably lowercase omega (ω).

The numbers-in-a-circle characters can be used for array options. Instead of @array[3], I'll be saying @array➌. And @array③ will mean "every element of the array except for the third."

I'm still looking for the Unicode sad-faced-clown-on-fire character. When I find it, I think I'm gonna make it mean C<shift>. Well, that or C<unshift>, I can't decide. It depends on how sad the clown looks.


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