--- Dan Sugalski <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> At 8:08 AM -0800 1/16/03, Austin Hastings wrote:
> >--- Simon Cozens <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >>  [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Dan Sugalski) writes:
> >>  > Ah, that's a different question. Having Unicode synonyms may
> well
> >>  be
> >>  > considered reasonable thing
> >>
> >>  Sounds like the good old days of trigraphs.
> >
> >It's very much like the good old days of trigraphs. But on the plus
> >side, once all the losers get their fonts/xterms/editors up-to-speed
> on
> >extended character sets, the trigraphs will die a forgotten death.
> And keyboards, don't forget keyboards. These pesky primitive ones we 
> have now would require a lot of shift-control-alt-meta-cokebottle key
> sequences...

Perl has never cared about keyboards -- install some of the non-US
keyboard layouts and then try typing a relatively normal perl script.
Tilde? Brackets? Forward and backticks? Hell, even dollar-signs are
scarce in some layouts -- wouldn't want to omit that Lb. or Euro sign.

I'm relatively certain that it's a trivial matter to create a "Perl
IME" for windows, if one knows the 2.6 million windows things that must
be known to get started (which I sadly don't). That's probably the


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