This is taken from this week's summary, but I thought this post would fit
best in this thread.
>   Tentative valclone patch
>     Luke Palmer has been thinking about value and reference objects. He
>     wondered if there was any value in a "valclone" operator alongside
>     and "clone" which would allow the target PMC to decide whether to use
>     "set" or "clone" semantics. He also offered a patch implementing the
>     operator if people thought it would be useful. Leo Tötsch wasn't sure
>     the new operator was necessary.
>     Klaas-jan Stol noted that he'd encountered problems with
>     confusion when he'd been working on his Lua compiler, but he wondered
>     the problem couldn't be solved by having a general, language
>     "argument" PMC class. (I'm not sure I understood what he meant by this
>     so I'm hoping for an explanation with code fragments).
> --
> Piers


I heard your call :-) Here goes...

Maybe it isn't possible what I'd like, but here's what I was thinking of.

I don't know Perl that well, and to keep things readable for everybody,
let's suppose we have the following routine in some (non-existent) language:

subroutine foo(x, y)
    // do stuff

.sub _foo
.param Argument x
.param Argument y
# do stuff

Now, when foo is called with arguments which are references to things
("objects"), then only the reference must be copied into the argument
However, when the arguments are more 'basic' types like integers or
whatever, some languages may require that these are passed by value! When
these 'basic' types are implemented as PMCs (which is likely in dyn. typed
languages), then the PMC REFERENCE is copied, because that's the default for

to clearify:

P0 = new PerlInt
P1 = new PerlInt
P0 = 123
P1 = P0    # now P1 is referencing the PerlInt in P0; changing the object
from P1 will affect the PMC referenced                  #  by P0.
inc P1
print P0    # will print "124" !

In Perl, this is the default behaviour (for what I understood): everything
is passed by reference. However there are languages (well, there MAY be) in
which the 'basic' types are passed by value.
In these cases, we'd need a _clone_ instruction. This would result in:

.sub _foo
.local PerlUndef x
.local PerlUndef y

# now using pseude code, for ease of reading:

#Parameter x:
if actual type of x is a 'basic' type, then
x = clone P5    # P5 is first argument, see PDD for calling conv.
x = P5

#Parameter y:
if actual type of y is a 'basic' type, then
y = clone P6 # don't copy reference, but copy whole of object
y = P6    # y will reference same object as P6

#do stuff

Obviously, this is not very clean, not to mention fast. So it would be nice
to stuff this run-time check into some PMC.
At this very moment I realize that it's not really a matter of some PMC type
for arguments, but that it's a matter of adding a operation for PMCs:
something like a "pass_as_argument" operation: the PMC knows what to do:
clone or copy. (now raises the question: is this worth it?)

I know Perl don't has this problem, but there may be languages that do have
this problem (and I can mention at least 1 :-). It would be kinda nice if
Parrot can easily handle this as well, but that's not up to me to decide of


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