Perl 6 Summary for the week ending 20030706
    Welcome to this week's Perl 6 Summary, coming to you live from a
    gatecrashed Speakers' lounge at OSCON/TPC, surrounded by all the cool
    people like Dan Sugalski, Lisa Wolfisch, Graham Barr and Geoff Young,
    who aren't distracting me from writing this summary at all.

    10 minutes later, after the arrival of James Duncan and Adam Turoff, I'm
    still not being distracted. Oh no... Leon Brocard's just arrived, which
    helps with the running joke, but not with the 'getting the summary

    So, we'll start as usual with the goings on in perl6-internals.

  More on Parrot's multiple stack implementations
    Dan pointed out that, although Control, User and Pads share the same
    stack engine, Pads should be implemented using a simple linked list. He
    also confessed that all the register backing stacks should share an
    implementation, but that he'd been too lazy to macro things up properly.

  Building IMCC as parrot
    Leo Tötsch posted an initial patch to make IMCC build as the parrot
    executable. And there was much Makefile debugging.

  Parrot IO work
    Work on Parrot's IO system was ongoing this week.

  Parrot Exceptions
    Discussion of possibly resumable exceptions continued, and morphed into
    a discussion of the workings of warnings when Benjamin Goldberg wondered
    if warnings were being implemented as exceptions.

    The aren't. I think Benjamin was being confused by Perl 6's "fail"
    function which can either issue a warning and return undef to its
    caller's caller, or throw an exception, depending on a pragma whose name
    I can't for the life of me remember.

  Parrot's build system.
    Last week Dan asked for help writing a configuration and build system
    that would allow per-C-file compiler flag overrides and various other
    complexities. This week Alan Burlison worried that this approach looked
    '*very* suspect'. This sparked a discussion of the proper way to do
    interrupt safe queueing, reentrant code and other scary things.

    I may be misreading what's being said in the thread, but it seems that
    the scariest thing about the whole issue is that there's no portable way
    of doing the Right Thing, which leads to all sorts of painful platform
    dependencies and hoopage (From 'to jump through hoops', anything which
    requires you to jump through a lot of hoops has a high degree of
    hoopage. For the life of me I can't remember if it was me or Leon
    Brocard who coined the term).

    Swamps were mentioned. Monty Python skits were quoted. Uri Guttman was
    overtaken by (MUAHAHAHAHAHA!) megalomania.

  Klaas-Jan Stol Explains Everything (part 1)
    Last week I mentioned that I didn't know what Klaas-Jan Stol was driving
    at when he proposed a general, language-independent "argument" PMC class
    and hoped that he would provide an explanation, with code fragments.

    This week, Klaas-Jan came through, and I think I understand what he
    wants. Go read his explanation and see if you understand it too. It's to
    do with when a parameter should be passed by reference or by value.
    Parrot currently assumes that Strings and PMCs are passed by reference,
    and that integers and floats are passed by value.

    There was some discussion of whether support for optionally passing PMCs
    by value should be added at the parrot level or whether individual
    language compilers should be responsible for calling the appropriate PMC

  Moving ParrotIO to PMCs
    Jürgen Bömmels is working hard on moving Parrot's IO-system to a fully
    garbage collected PMC based system. He posted an initial patch
    transforming ParrotIO structures into PMCs using a simple wrapping

    The patch had problems because the new ParrotIO PMCs were marked as
    needing active destruction, which could lead to problems with files
    being closed twice and memory structures getting cleaned up twice. Which
    is tends to make memory leak detecting tools a little unhappy. This bug
    proved to be easy to fix. But then another one reared it's head and has
    so far proved rather harder to fix.

  Jako gets modules (sort of)
    Gregor N Purdy announced that he's added rudimentary module support to
    his Jako little(?) language. A little late he announced that he'd added
    rather less rudimentary module support.

  Stupid Parrot Tricks
    Clinton Pierce, shooting for his 'mad genius' badge announced that he'd
    implemented a simple CGI script in Parrot BASIC. Everyone gasped. Robert
    Spier decided that the time may have come to start playing with
    "mod_parrot" (embedding Parrot in Apache) again. -- that BASIC CGI URL

  Lazy Arrays
    Luke Palmer is thinking about implementing LazyArray and LazySequence
    PMCs and outlined his design approach for the list. Benjamin Goldberg
    and Leo Tötsch both contributed answers to some of the questions Luke

  wxWindows Support
    David Cuny asked if there was any interest in supporting wxWindows (an
    open source, cross platform, native UI framework for a pile of operating

    Leo thought that one could use wxWindows from Parrot via the NCI (Native
    Call Interface), but that it wouldn't be at all easy. He thought that
    the best way would be a custom dynamically loaded PMC, tied to good
    object support in Parrot. Neither of which we have (yet).

    Leo also thought that using Parrot as a GCC backend would be a
    reasonably sensible idea, but that it 'would need some extensions at
    both sides.' He wondered if there were any GCC people listening.

  Hash Iterators
    Leo checked in his 'buggy initial try' at implementing a hash iterator
    for Parrot, but he wasn't entirely happy with his implementation. Sean
    O'Rourke suggested a Better Way, which Leo immediately took advantage

Meanwhile, in perl6-language
    Almost nothing happened.

  "printf" like formatting in interpolated strings
    Jonadab the Unsightly One made another proposal in this longrunning

  Perl 6 Daydreams
    The directed daydreaming continued. Jonadab is looking forward to Perl
    6's new improved object model (him and many, many others I believe).
    This morphed into a discussion of porting Inform to run on Parrot. Which
    spawned thoughts of when Parrot achieves its final goal of being able to
    load and run z-code based interactive fiction. (The theory is that
    getting z-code working on Parrot will be the final goal because once
    that happens the dev team will stop working on Parrot and spend all
    their time playing Zork).

  Aliasing an array slice
    Dan Brook wondered if it would be either possible or sane to bind a
    variable to an array slice:

        my @array_slice := @array[1,3,5]

    Luke Palmer thought it would have to be, because if it weren't

        my [EMAIL PROTECTED] := (1, 1, map { $^a  + $^b} zip(@fibs, @fibs[1...]));

    wouldn't work (and that would be a bad thing because?)

    Damian pointed out that it sort of worked already in Perl 5. This
    started people discussing what the Right Thing would finally be in Perl

Acknowledgements, Announcements and Apologies
    Look, I'm sorry the Summary's late, okay? OSCON is an incredibly
    distracting thing to be present at; every time I settled down to write I
    got drawn into another fascinating conversation and before I knew it it
    was time to go back to my hotel. Which is, of course, where I managed to
    knuckle down and write this.

    Thanks to Curtis Poe for putting us up for the first couple of nights in
    Portland, and to Tom Phoenix for being a top notch Native Guide. No
    thanks to Powell's City of Books for having far
    too much good stuff in stock. Thankfully, they ship.

    As ever, if you've appreciated this summary, please consider one or more
    of the following options:

    *   Send money to the Perl Foundation at and help support the ongoing
        development of Perl.

    *   Get involved in the Perl 6 process. The mailing lists are open to
        all. and
        are good starting points with links to the appropriate mailing

    *   Send feedback, flames, money, photographic and writing commissions,
        or a cute little iSight to [EMAIL PROTECTED]


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