>>>>> "AK" == Amir Karger <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

  AK> Er, I'll assume you have a magic (pun slightly intended) way to
  AK> decide which files are Zcode? I mean, sure, if the rule is
  AK> "anything that doesn't match a Parrot header", you're fine, but
  AK> once you've included Python bytecode, Java bytecode, and compiled
  AK> Befunge bytecode (a man can dream), how will you tell the Zcode
  AK> from other bytecode noise? I don't see anything particularly
  AK> obvious in the header contents:

  AK> http://www.inform-fiction.org/zmachine/standards/z1point0/sect11.html

i see plenty there than can be used to identify a zcode file. it would
take a little work to select a set of interesting fixed offset bytes and
their normal range of values. then writing the magic detector is easy.

the unix program file does it that way right now and it is fairly
decent. /etc/magic has a large table of bytes and program types.

also we can have a short script read a normal zcode file and put it in a
special and marked section (using the standard directory stuff) of a
parrotcode file from which it can be easily loaded and run. in fact this
is a general tool that can wrap any other format code into something
parrot could load and then invoke the appropriate byte code converter.

  AK> I assume having a separate Z-code loader solves the "Z-code has
  AK> two-byte
  AK> words" problem? OTOH, that means even more of Parrot functionality we
  AK> don't get to use.

it all depends on how the zcode interpreter is built. as others have
said there are many choices and many overlapping ideas. so i doubt we
would all agree on the best way to do this. the designs range from a
total code conversion, load and translate the zcode into equivilent
imcc. this should be the easiest to do as you just need to write a code
generator for each zcode op. you can fake a stack in imcc using a PMC
array or someother technique. just have all the zcode stack opcodes use
the pmc based stack in the translation. this could be done in pure perl
as well and run offline to generate imcc code. this would still run
directly on parrot but use its existing set of opcodes

note that parrot can't directly run zcode because of the 2 byte
issue. a real zcode loader would have to read in the zcode (from a file
or maybe that marked section i mentioned before) and translate it to
legal parrot opcodes in 32 (or 64) bit sizes. then you would need to
write real code to handle each of the needed parrot opcodes. i would
consider this much more work but it can be truly said that parrot is
running zcode natively.

and of course you can have a mix of the above two. the main system will
translate simple zcode ops to equivilent short pieces of imcc code. then
the heavier duty zcode ops can be written in c and loaded on
demand. these new codes can be generated by the translator when it sees
the zcodes that need them.

by following that path, you can start with a pure translator (first
design) and then migrate over to a native interpreter (second design)
but as incrementally as desired.

  AK> Hm. Well, *do* I want access Parrot's stack? Something to think
  AK> about if I ever start actually writing code for this project,
  AK> instead of talking about it.

well you need a stack somewhere. you can acces parrot internal stacks
from any parrot ops that you create (in c). regular parrot ops only some
limited access to those stacks. but you can use your own stacks in the
registers and with arrays which would mean both parrot ops and your own
ops would be able to access them.

hope this clarified the issues,


Uri Guttman  ------  [EMAIL PROTECTED]  -------- http://www.stemsystems.com
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