>>>>> "AK" == Amir Karger <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

  AK> So you mean you require the first byte to be a number <=8, and the
  AK> pointer to the end of the dictionary has to be less than the size
  AK> of the file, the flag bits need to have sane values, etc.?
  AK> Interesting. I guess with some work you can do it; it's just that
  AK> there isn't one magic number at one particular offset at the
  AK> beginning of the file.

something like that. there is definitely a signature to be found
there. also dan's point of just telling the loader it is zcode with a
flag is fine too. and the translator program would just know the first
file arg is zcode.

  >> also we can have a short script read a normal zcode file and put it
  >> in a special and marked section (using the standard directory
  >> stuff) of a parrotcode file from which it can be easily loaded and
  >> run. in fact this is a general tool that can wrap any other format
  >> code into something parrot could load and then invoke the
  >> appropriate byte code converter.

  AK> Sure we can, and it's a tool we might want. I had gotten the
  AK> impression that Dan considered having any extra scripts to be
  AK> cheating. Then again, maybe cheating isn't such a bad thing, if it
  AK> helps get the project started.

who said this is cheating? call it parrot aids. 

  AK> Though not quite so trivial when one of the opcodes is "restore a
  AK> saved game", which you can imagine may include more stuff than,
  AK> say, the "add" opcode. (Interestingly, I noticed yesterday that
  AK> Z's add opcode doesn't pop two off the top of the stack, like
  AK> Befunge, but rather takes as arguments two adding operands
  AK> followed by a storage variable. Sounds familiar!)

  AK> The other reason this isn't as easy as going straight to C is that
  AK> I already have (several minor variations on) working C (open
  AK> source) code for all of the opcodes. So, yes, I can copy them to
  AK> turn them into PIR, but if I go for the all-opcode route, I could
  AK> just cut and paste each opcode's C! Um, maybe. Although that would
  AK> mean totally ignoring all Parrot stuff.

then you do the mixed approach where you translate simple zcode ops to
their parrot equivilents and translate complex ops to the parrot ops you
create from the c libs you have.

  >> note that parrot can't directly run zcode because of the 2 byte
  >> issue. 

  AK> Right. I don't know enough about parrotcode to understand why - if
  AK> you already have a variable that can be set to 4 or 8, you can't
  AK> also set it to 2. But I'm sure there's a good reason. (What
  AK> happens when the 128-bit "Insteinium" chip comes out?)

it has to do with how parrot reads in bytefiles. it uses mmap to read
them in and it can only execute ops on 32 bit boundaries so zcode's 16
bit ops will be broken. so at least the zcode has to be read in and
converted to 32 bit ops by expanding them into another buffer. this can
be done offline by a tool which would make allow it to load faster and
use mmap directly.

  >> i would consider this much more work but it can be truly said that
  >> parrot is running zcode natively.

  AK> Right. Is that our first goal, or our end goal? 

your choice. getting zcode working at all is the first goal. getting it
to run fast/well/cheap :) are later goals.

  >> and of course you can have a mix of the above two. the main system
  >> will translate simple zcode ops to equivilent short pieces of imcc
  >> code.  then the heavier duty zcode ops can be written in c and loaded
  >> on demand. these new codes can be generated by the translator when it
  >> sees the zcodes that need them.

  AK> Well, I plan to first write programs in Inform that generate
  AK> valid story files that use only simple opcodes (print, add, et al.)
  AK> I guess after I've worked on that for a while, I can decide whether for
  AK> the harder Zcode ops I want to do Perl disassembly & translation to PIR
  AK> or just call C directly.

again, your choice. this project has many design decisions and you will
have to make most of them yourself. you can usually change some of the
decisions later or improve things. but the overall design should be
pretty much what you seem to grasp.

  >> by following that path, you can start with a pure translator (first
  >> design) and then migrate over to a native interpreter (second design)
  >> but as incrementally as desired.

  AK> Right, what you said.

or even start with a mixed design if you want to use some of that zcode
lib in c.

  AK> And I haven't even thought yet about Z objects (PMCs? What kind?),
  AK> the Z dictionary (Can we translate it easily to a Parrot constant
  AK> code segment?), and all that header stuff. But I'm itching to
  AK> actually start typing stuff, so maybe I'll just jump in headfirst!

when you get into zcode specifics, i am outa here since i know nothing
about it. i was just helping with the big picture and overall design for
a bytecode translator. my ideas could be applied to a jvn on parrot
system just as easily.

  AK> Toda raba (thanks)!

you're welcome. good luck on this journey into the swamp. may you have
many castles in your backpack. :)


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