On Mon, Sep 08, 2003 at 08:48:07PM -0700, Amir Karger wrote:

> Sure we can, and it's a tool we might want. I had gotten the impression
> that Dan considered having any extra scripts to be cheating. Then
> again,
> maybe cheating isn't such a bad thing, if it helps get the project
> started.

Cheat first to help you get started.
We found at work that having a prototype system that we could incrementally
improve helped enormously
(Because we could test that each finished component worked in its proper,
integrated environment)

On Mon, Sep 08, 2003 at 08:58:29PM -0700, Amir Karger wrote:

> Oh! You're saying that instead of pure perl I could write the
> disassembler and translator in PASM. I think I've gotten so used to
> Perl being the best job for translating from one bytestream to another
> that I never imagined using PASM itself, but of course that's what the
> aforementioned Befunge & Ook translators do.
> Well, that will certainly be more work than doing it in Perl, but OTOH,
> it'll probably be a great tutorial in PASM.

I think that if you're comfortable writing it in perl, you should write
one in perl first. It's a prototype. You can use it to learn how to
do the real thing in PASM. And you'll have something working earlier,
so hopefully you won't get demoralised part way through.

Just don't make it too good, in case everyone stops working on parrot
and starts playing Zork/Hitch-Hikers' Guide to the Galaxy/whatever

Nicholas Clark

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