
On Monday 13 October 2003 11:57, Michael G Schwern wrote:
> On Mon, Oct 13, 2003 at 10:28:29AM +0200, Thomas Klausner wrote:
> > * contains files:
> >   * Makefile.PL or Build.PL or configure
> configure?
> >   * README
> Personally, I find READMEs useless duplication.  Even more so now that
> search.cpan.org works so well.

You have never maintained a big project, were the *brief* introduction in 
README is 8 pages, accompanied by an INSTALL file with another 15, not to 
speak of the $three-digit-figure pages of userland documenatation :) In that 
case a README is a lifesaver, because it is, if ever, the only thing someone 
reads :)

(That was a joke about you personally. :-)

I find that a short intro in the README (if it isn't immidiately replicated in 
the .pod, where it does _not_ belong if there are more than on .pm files) is 
very usefull. Unfortunately, not every project has a README, or a useless one 
(like just a boilerplate or something like this). The README should explain 
the goals and target of the package, contact points etc etc..

I agree that merely having one doesn't say much, but if it is lacking, that  
certainly shows the authors attitude...

> >   * t/* or test.pl
> test.pl is not a good thing.  It doesn't get parsed by "make test".  It
> just runs and spits the output to the screen.  If a test fails, "make test"
> will still succeed.  Still, its better than nothing at all.

If there are t/* _and_ test.pl this probably should be marked as "bad". 
test.pl is usually old cruft still lingering around :)

> >   * one *.pm in top-level OR lib/

> Or Module/*.pm.  Seems a little dubious anyway, there are POD-only modules.

And what about doc/Somedoc.pod files?

Just my 0.02Eurocent,

- -- 
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