On Tue, Oct 14, 2003 at 11:49:44AM -0400, Darren Chamberlain wrote:
> I'll concede that they are useless duplication if someone simply does:
>   perldoc -t Module.pm > README

I find them to be useful duplication, but I truly hate doing that
myself, so this is what I use:

It pulls out the name, synopsis and author info from the main module,
mixes in the dependencies from META.yml, and then sprinkles on the
last few entries from Changes for good measure.

The only downside is when I cleanup my PAUSE directory I now have to
delete 3 things (dist, .meta and .readme) where before I only needed
to worry about the one.  That's only a downside because I'm as
insufficiently lazy to automate that.

Richard Clamp <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

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