
On Mon, Oct 13, 2003 at 02:57:34AM -0700, Michael G Schwern wrote:
> On Mon, Oct 13, 2003 at 10:28:29AM +0200, Thomas Klausner wrote:
> > * contains files:
> >   * Makefile.PL or Build.PL or configure
> configure?

there are currently 4 dists on CPAN that only include a configure script 
(makepp-1.19, glist-0.9.17a10, swig1.1p5, shufflestat-0.0.3)

179 do not include any of Makefile.PL, Build.PL or configure.

Quite a lot come with two or three of those files.

But IMO a 'configure' is not a proper subsitute for Makefile.PL/Build.PL, so
I won't use it as a kwalitee indicator.

> >   * t/* or test.pl
> test.pl is not a good thing.  It doesn't get parsed by "make test".  It just
> runs and spits the output to the screen.  If a test fails, "make test" will
> still succeed.  Still, its better than nothing at all.

So t/* should hint more kwalitee than only test.pl

> > Some ideas:
> > * wheater PREREQ_PM matches used modules (hard!)
> Nearly impossible since:
>     require Foo::Bar if $some_condition;

There are obvioulsy edge cases, but one can detect the most plain
use/require statements.

> Otherwise Module::Info->modules_used() can handle it.

modules_used needs to compile the module, so it cannot be used for CPANTS.

#!/usr/bin/perl                               http://domm.zsi.at
for(ref bless{},just'another'perl'hacker){s-:+-$"-g&&print$_.$/}

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