Harry Jackson wrote:
Dan Sugalski wrote:

> getting back a full row as an array, getting back a full

 row as a hash, and stuff like that. Nothing fancy, and nothing that
 high-level, but enough to work the basics without quite as manual work
 as the current libpg requires.


I am at the point now where I need to know what type of format you want
the data to come out in.

We have the following options although some of them will be impractical
in production. I can drop the data into any type of structure currently
available to Parrot at least I am pretty sure I can.

I can create the entire dataset and return this out to the caller as a
hash of arrays or some other structure. For large datasets this will be
completey impractical but I am highlighting it as an option for testing
or possibly avoiding multiple calls between Parrot and Any Old Language

We can call a funtion to return the data in any format you want ie a single record per call gets passed back. This method will probably be the closest to most libraries in circulation and is the one that makes most sense to me. It could be extended to pass back N records depending on what the caller wants, this might be faster than making lots ot AOL calls to Parrot but would involve some more work on our part.

For later use would it make it easier for people at a higher abstraction
if some metadata gets passed about the data ie the very first row
returned contains an array of types subsequent calls will return. Perl
is lovely the way it converts types but this might not be very practical
for other languages that are a bit more strict about stuff like this. At
the moment I am using "strings" for all the data coming from the
database but this wont work for everyone. This needs to be decided now to avoid a re-write later. It would make my life easier if the guys at the top where to deal with type conversion but I am not sure this is good choice.

The following is what I have come up with to date as far as accessing data in Postgres is concerned. There is very little error handling in the library at the moment which is something that needs to be addressed but I can start work on that as soon as the API has been agreed on.

I am fishing for some feedback to see if this is suitable or if it needs to be changed. The following code is an example of extracting 10,000 rows with field names and types. The types are integers which are local to Postgres so we probably need to come up with an agreed format for type identifiers.

      1 .pcc_sub _MAIN prototyped
      2     .param pmc argv

The first lib is the standard pasm lib that ships with the parrot source. The second i simply a lib I have created to hold some function declarations etc.

      3     .include "/home/parrot/parrot/library/postgres.pasm"
      4     .include "/home/parrot/lib/postgreslib.imc"
      5     .local string dbstring
      6     dbstring = "host=host dbname=Forum user=u password=pass"
      7     .local int answer
      8     print "Entering Connect\n"

The call to connect makes whatever calls etc required to get a connection to the database.

     10     .pcc_begin prototyped
     11         .arg dbstring
     12             .pcc_call connect
     13             retconnect:
     14         .result CONN
     15         .result answer
     16         .result message
     17     .pcc_end

The MetaData hash contains various meta data about the connection ie filed types and names.

     19     .local PerlHash MetaData
     20     MetaData = new PerlHash
     21     MetaData = global "MetaData"
     23     .PRINT("Connection Message = ", message, " \n")
     24     .PRINT("Connection state = ", answer, " \n")
     25     eq -1, answer, fail
     26     eq  1, answer, go
     27 fail:
     28     .PRINT("\n", message, "\n")
     29     end
     30 go:
     32     .local string query
     33     query = "select * from parrot"
     35     print "Entering Send Query \n"
     36     .pcc_begin prototyped
     37         .arg CONN
     38         .arg query
     39             .pcc_call pqsendquery
     40             pqsendquery:
     41         .result message
     42     .pcc_end

The pqgetresult call will populate the MetaData hash with details of the call.

     44     .PRINT("Execution = ", message, "\n")
     45     .pcc_begin prototyped
     46         .arg CONN
     47             .pcc_call pqgetresult
     48             retrecords:
     49     .pcc_end
     50     .local int rowcounter
     51     rowcounter = MetaData["ROWCOUNT"]
     52     eq -1, rowcounter, finished

The following bit of code is here to test that fieldnames and types have been filled correctly.

     55     .local int Oid_type
     56     .local int onfield
     57     onfield = 1
     58     .local PerlArray TupleData
     59     TupleData = new PerlArray
     60     TupleData = MetaData["FIELDDATA"]
     61     .local int fnum
     63     fnum = MetaData["NFIELDS"]
     65     .local string field_name
     66     .local PerlArray FieldData
     67     FieldData = new PerlArray
     68 gettype:
     69     FieldData = TupleData[onfield]
     70     inc onfield
     71     field_name = FieldData[0]
     72     Oid_type   = FieldData[1]
     73     .PRINT("Field Name = ",field_name, "\n")
     74     .PRINT("Field Type = ",Oid_type, "\n")
     75     if onfield <= fnum goto gettype
     77     .local PerlString value
     78     value = new PerlString
     79     rowcounter = 0

Once all the necessary calls and connections have been made we can then fetch individual rows of data. These come out in a PerlArray at the moment.

     80 getnext:
     81     onfield = 0
     82     .pcc_begin prototyped
     83             .pcc_call fetch
     84             nextrow:
     85         .result record
     86         .result answer
     87     .pcc_end
     88     inc rowcounter
     89 nextfield:
     91     value = record[onfield]
     92     .PRINT("", value, "#")
     93     inc onfield
     94     if onfield <= fnum goto nextfield
     95     print "\n"
     96     ne 0, answer, getnext
     98 finished:
     99     .PQclear(MetaData["RESULT"])
    100     .PQresultErrorMessage(MetaData["RESULT"], message)
    101     .PRINT("\n\n   Rows",rowcounter , "\n\n")
    102     end
    103 .end
    104 ########################################
    105 .include "/home/parrot/lib/pgreslib.imc"

I am not to sure if this is the sort of thing that was wanted or not. If not let me know what needs to be changed and I will change it.


The following is the table that I am testing this against. There are
only very few of the basic types here although for what I have done at the moment the types have no real affect. This table is loaded with 10000 records (not realistic data).

                  Table "public.test"
   Column   |            Type             |   Modifiers
 _key       | integer                     | not null
 _bigint8   | bigint                      |
 _bool      | boolean                     |
 _char      | character(10)               |
 _varchar   | character varying(100)      |
 _float8    | double precision            |
 _int       | integer                     |
 _float4    | real                        |
 _int2      | smallint                    |
 _text      | text                        |
 _timestamp | timestamp without time zone | default now()
Indexes: parrot_pkey primary key btree (_key)

For the speed freaks doing "select * from test"

real    0m0.997s
user    0m0.630s
sys     0m0.010s

Displaying all 10000 records to screen as follows

9996 9176 t a          Varchar here 9176 9176 9176 9176 smallint <- Text
here -> timestamp 2004-01-11 16:45:28.79144
9997 2182 t a          Varchar here 2182 2182 2182 2182 smallint <- Text
here -> timestamp 2004-01-11 16:45:28.79379
9998 4521 t a          Varchar here 4521 4521 4521 4521 smallint <- Text
here -> timestamp 2004-01-11 16:45:28.79614
9999 4152 t a          Varchar here 4152 4152 4152 4152 smallint <- Text
here -> timestamp 2004-01-11 16:45:28.79849

real    0m4.189s
user    0m0.570s
sys     0m0.280s

Any requests, pointers, advice, abuse or general chit chat welcome.

Harry Jackson

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