Paul Cochrane wrote:
If there are any shy lurkers out there please speak now or forever hold your peace.

I'll admit to being a shy lurker... (and have rudimentary C knowledge, but a
bit low on the elbow grease atm :-/)

Another one, we are getting more and more of them pop up from all over the place, so come on you lot speak up and I might compile a list of things to do if its any help.

This also gives me an opportunity to mention to anyone with more time (and
possibly ability) than me, that parrot is having problems on LinuxPPC.  The
specifics are:
    - parrot hangs on t/op/arithmetics when doing make test

I had this exact same error. I still have no idea what caused it but thanks for confirming I am not going crazy.

I tried all of the following

deleted the source tree and started again ---- nope
Upgraded gcc --- nope
Upgraded Perl --- nope
reinstalled every perl module I could think of ----- nope
Replaced redhat AS with Debian ----- yep

The last item was a last resort because I had spent to much time faffing around trying to find out what caused the error at that time thinking it was local to my machine/me, obviously not.

Here's some more info that may help.

$ uname -a
Linux 2.4.19-r6 #7 Tue Apr 22 16:54:53 EST 2003 ppc  740/750 GNU/Linux

$ gcc --version

$ perl --version

This is perl, v5.8.0 built for powerpc-linux

I was on 5.6.1 when I got the arithmetic error.

I hope any of this helps, and if it's possible for me to contribute, even some
reasonably trivial task (something possibly like what Melvin mentioned earlier
in the week re: macros) would be ok.

Well it certainly made me feel better.

I'm really impressed with the amount of work people are doing on parrot and
related stuff.  Keep up the good work!  :-)

I don't know where some of them get the time.


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