Damian Conway wrote:
Frankly, I'd *much* rather see:

@sum = @a E<raquo>+<<E<laquo> @b;

my Vector $outer = $vec1 E<times> $vec2;

which at least has the benefit of being consistent with POD notation.

I very much second that. Entities have been one of the worst features of XML (and, in the end, a fairly useless one), I don't think XML geeks would be happy seeing them too often in their Perl code :)

(Note that, if we *do* decide to support some kind of ASCII-based entity notation, we really must make sure it's the same in both Perl code and POD mark-up.)

Picking the HTML entity names is better than the Unicode ones as the latter are way too long. They may not cover all the characters we need, but we can make up missing ones in a consistent fashion.

Robin Berjon

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