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I am research student in Ireland and I have been working on this problem for a 
while now, I have spent a couple of months getting to grips with gcc 
internals, (by the time I finish this project I might not have any hair left 
on my head ;o).  

> Hello all,
>     I've been investigating the possibility of creating a MACHINE
> DESCRIPTION (aka BACK-END) for GCC to target PARROT. My thinking is
> this: If a satisfactory GCC back-end targeting PARROT is created -and-
> PARROT is efficient enough (which from reading the documentation thus
> far produced seems like it is an inevitable conclusion) then GCC could
> compile itself to PARROT byte-code giving PARROT (and the whole open
> source community) a PARROT self-host compiler which compiles multiple
> languages (C#, C++, C, Pascal, Objective-C, Java, etc, etc, etc) to the
> PARROT runtime.
>     Is a complete non-starter, or is this something which has
> possibilities? Please give your expert opinions.

I have managed to create a token backend for parrot so far, nothing really 
great, (ie does not work at the moment). I hope to have a prototype ready for 
YAPC::Eu::Belfast in september.  

I have had my head in the guts of gcc for a while now, so have not been 
looking at the list. 

I am aware of the PMC issues, but I am going full steam at the moment, 
hopefully I will not turn in to a train wreck :o) 

My main aim is to create the parrot backend, and  then have some fun with 
parrot and jvm. 

In the next week or two I will put up my research page ( what I have done and 
what I am doing) on http://www.parrot.cs.may.ie

and I will monitor this thread with great interest. 

Thats all for now.  

- -- 
Vishal Vatsa
Dept. of Computer Sc.
NUI Maynooth
Version: GnuPG v1.0.6 (GNU/Linux)
Comment: For info see http://www.gnupg.org


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