On 9/3/04 6:45 PM, Damian Conway wrote:
> John Siracusa wrote:
>>> I don't see how we could prevent someone from clobbering the global
>>> definitions of PRE and POST to be no-ops if they wanted to.  Seems to
>>> me that the whole point of putting the program in charge of its own
>>> compilation is to let it be in charge of its own compilation, n'est pa?
>> Hm,  okay, but there'd still be the "call" (or whatever) to the overridden
>> versions.  I guess that is "no-op"ing them, but they're still technically in
>> the program flow, unlike "disappearing macros" or #defines in C or whatever.
>> Any facility for totally nuking them?
> macro PRE (&block) {""}
> macro POST(&block) {""}

Ah ha, I didn't realize macros could override/replace existing control
structures.  Okay, ship it! :)


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