On 9/4/04 5:38 PM, Larry Wall wrote:
> On Sat, Sep 04, 2004 at 08:17:36PM +0100, Piers Cawley wrote:
> : John Siracusa <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> : > Ah ha, I didn't realize macros could override/replace existing control
> : > structures.  Okay, ship it! :)
> : 
> : They'd be no fun if they couldn't.
> There is one caveat, of course.  Precompiled modules won't see the
> change, so you'd have to precompile your own set of modules if you
> want the startup speed of precompilation.

The precompiled what now?

Actually, the other day I was thinking about how I tend to create any useful
perl program that I plan to distribute in the form of a big, monolithic
script.  Take the distribution out of the equation and I'd write a series of
generic modules, blah blah, the usual nicely factored design.  But the
headaches of trying to get users to install modules before they can run my
wonderful program always leads me to "flatten" it all into a tradition Big
Honkin' Script (ah, the days of Perl 4...)

Anyway, it'd be nice if Perl 6 supported some sort of equivalent to Mac OS
X's application wrappers: a dir tree containing all the files needed to run
Your Wonderful Perl Program.  To execute it, either run "YourApp.pmx/run" or
some standard path, or run "perl YourApp.pmx" and perl would know what to
do.  In both cases, there'd have to be some automatic @INC changes, etc.

The next step is "precompiling" that dir tree into a single executable file
(bytecode?), but it'd be nice to have the Plain Old Dir of Source Files
option too.


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