On Mar 15, 2005, at 6:45 AM, Nathan Gray wrote:

I think it would be really nice for failed, todo, and skipped tests to
log their $expected and $got values, with any $desc or $context
information to a log file (probably test.log).

I also think it would be very nice to be able to use other operators,
such as gt, lt, or isa.

is($got, $expected, $desc, operator => 'gt');

Personally, I think a more familiar form, like Test::More::cmp_ok would be better.

        cmp_ok($got, 'gt', $expected, $desc);

It should be easy enough to implement.

- Stevan

Or something like that.

Anyway, I was just trying to implement logging to a file, first.  But I
keep running into errors.  At this point, I don't know if it is my bad
perl6 or pugs sand pits.

This is the error I am getting:

$ pugs -c ext/Test/lib/Test.pm
*** Error:
unexpected "s"
expecting adverb, term postfix, operator, postfix conditional, ternary conditional, ";", "}" or end of input
at ext/Test/lib/Test.pm at line 105, column 1

A gentle prod in the right direction would be appreciated.
The line 105 refers to the 'sub write_log' line.

This is what I'm trying to add to Test.pm:

my $log_file = '';

sub log_file (Str $filename) returns Str is export {
    $log_file = $filename;
    return $log_file;

sub write_log (+$got, +$expected, Str +$desc, Str +$errstr, Str +$context, Str +$operator = 'eq') returns Bool {
# return 0 but true unless $log_file; # not yet implemented
return 1 unless $log_file;
# until we have 'given'/'when'
my $status = 'FAILED';
if (index($?CALLER::CALLER::SUBNAME, 'todo') >= 0) {
$status = 'TODO';
} elsif (index($?CALLER::CALLER::SUBNAME, 'skip') >= 0) {
$status = 'SKIPPED';
if (my $out = open(">>$log_file")) {
$out.say $?CALLER::CALLER::FILE ~ " $loop $status";
$out.say $desc if $desc;
$out.say $errstr if $errstr;
$out.say $context if $context;
$out.say '### Expected ###';
$out.say $expected;
$out.say '### Actual Results ###';
$out.say $got, "\n";
return 1;
return 0;

Thank you,


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