Stevan Little writes:
> On Mar 15, 2005, at 6:45 AM, Nathan Gray wrote:
> >I think it would be really nice for failed, todo, and skipped tests to
> >log their $expected and $got values, with any $desc or $context
> >information to a log file (probably test.log).
> >
> >I also think it would be very nice to be able to use other operators,
> >such as gt, lt, or isa.
> >
> >  is($got, $expected, $desc, operator => 'gt');
> Personally, I think a more familiar form, like Test::More::cmp_ok would 
> be better.
>       cmp_ok($got, 'gt', $expected, $desc);
> It should be easy enough to implement.

And of course in Perl 6, you can do that with:

    cmp_ok($got, &infix:<gt>, $expected, $desc);

So that you can use operators which a) aren't infix, or b) implemented


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