Were you aware of JsUnit?


I prefer the Test::More style of testing most of the time. I count myself
lucky I've never had to use a testing framework for javascript!


On Thu, Apr 07, 2005 at 11:23:59AM -0700, David Wheeler wrote:
> Greetings fellow Perlers,
> I'm pleased to announce the first alpha release of my port of  
> TestSimple/More/Builder to JavaScript. You can download it from:
>   http://www.justatheory.com/downloads/TestBuilder-0.01.tar.gz
> Please feel free to give it a try and let me know what you think. You  
> can see what the tests look like by loading the files in the tests/  
> directory into your Web browser. This is my first stab at what I hope  
> becomes a complete port. I could use some feedback/ideas on a number of  
> outstanding issues:
> * I have made no decisions as to where to output test results,  
> diagnostics, etc. Currently, they're simply output to document.write().  
> This may well be the best place in the long run, though it might be  
> nice to allow users to configure where output goes. It will also be  
> easy to control the output, since the output functions can easily be  
> replaced in JavaScript. Suggestions welcome.
> * I have no idea how to exit execution of tests other than by throwing  
> an exception, which is only supported by JavaScript 1.5, anyway, AFAIK.  
> As a result, skipAll(), BAILOUT(), and skipRest() do not work.
> * Skip and Todo tests currently don't work because named blocks (e.g.,  
> SKIP: and TODO:) are lexical in JavaScript. Therefore I cannot get at  
> them from within a function called from within a block (at least not  
> that I can tell). It might be that I need to just pass function  
> references to skip() and todo(), instead. This is a rather different  
> interface than that supported by Test::More, but it might work.  
> Thoughts?
> * Currently, one must call Test._ending() to finish running tests. This  
> is because there is no END block to grab on to in JavaScript.  
> Suggestions for how to capture output and append the output of  
> _finish() are welcome. It might work to have the onload event execute  
> it, but then it will have to look for the proper context in which to  
> append it (a <pre> tag, at this point).
> * Anyone have any idea how to get at the line number and file name in a  
> JavaScript? Failures currently aren't too descriptive. As a result, I'm  
> not sure if level() will have any part to play.
> * Is there threading in JavaScript?
> * I haven't written TestHarness yet.
> * I'm using a Module::Build script to build a distribution. I don't  
> think there's a standard for distributing JavaScript libraries, but I  
> think that this works reasonably well. I have all of the documentation  
> in POD, and the script generates HTML and text versions before creating  
> the tarball. The Build.PL script of course is not included in the  
> distribution. I started out trying to write the documentation in JSDoc,  
> but abandoned it for all of the reasons I recounted in my blog last  
> week.
> http://www.justatheory.com/computers/programming/javascript/ 
> no_jsdoc_please.html
> * Is there a way to dynamically load a JavaScript file? I'd like to use  
> an approach to have TestMore.js and TestSimple.js load TestBuilder.js.  
> I'd also like to use it to implement loadOk() (equivalent to use_ok()  
> and require_ok()).
> More details are in the ToDo section of the TestBuilder docs.
> Let me know what you think!
> Regards,
> David

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