
Great work!

> * I have made no decisions as to where to output test results,  
> diagnostics, etc. Currently, they're simply output to
> document.write().  

Output them to a Results object which, by default, sends the output to
document.write() but allows the user to redirect the output.  For
example, it might be nice to have test results pop up in a separate
window while the main page loads.

> * Skip and Todo tests currently don't work because named blocks
> (e.g.,  
> SKIP: and TODO:) are lexical in JavaScript. Therefore I cannot get at

How about:

  if (some_condition) {
    // do your tests
  else {

  while(todo(4)) { // sets an internal todo counter
    // each test automagically decrements the todo counter
    // ... but this should be transparent to the test code

> that I can tell). It might be that I need to just pass function  
> references to skip() and todo(), instead. This is a rather different 
> interface than that supported by Test::More, but it might work.  
> Thoughts?

Will this screw up a stack trace?  Also, while javascript doesn't have
the Perl concept of context, are there any scoping issues this might
cause problems with?  Will passing a function reference have any chance
of altering the behavior of the code (it would in Perl).

> * Is there threading in JavaScript?

Used to be "no", but I'm not sure about the latest versions.


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