Can this be right ? I checked out DBD-mysql-2.9007 and ran it through Devel::Cover. Apart from skipping 15 tests to do with leaks and 1 test to do with transactions, the overall coverage figure from Devel::Cover is 56%

All tests successful, 1 test and 14 subtests skipped.
Files=18, Tests=769, 129 wallclock secs (103.23 cusr + 1.77 csys = 105.00 CPU)
[EMAIL PROTECTED] DBD-mysql-2.9007]$ cover
Reading database from /home/le6303/spool/DBD-mysql-2.9007/cover_db

----------------------------------- ------ ------ ------ ------ ------ ------
File stmt branch cond sub time total
----------------------------------- ------ ------ ------ ------ ------ ------
blib/lib/DBD/ 71.9 42.3 38.6 75.9 12.0 60.1
blib/lib/DBD/mysql/ 70.6 n/a n/a 62.5 0.9 68.0
blib/lib/ 67.3 42.3 40.0 59.5 82.6 60.2
blib/lib/Mysql/ 38.5 36.1 0.0 70.8 4.5 40.3
Total 62.5 41.1 33.8 67.3 100.0 56.0
----------------------------------- ------ ------ ------ ------ ------ ------

Writing HTML output to /home/le6303/spool/DBD-mysql-2.9007/cover_db/coverage.html ...

This is the #2 item on the Phalanx 100. Is that coverage statistic for real ? I am shocked if it soon as I finish getting Class::DBI to 100% (well on the way) I intend to hit this one hard if this is the real situation.

Leif Eriksen
Snr Developer
phone: +61 3 9217 5545

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