On Jan 8, 2008 4:32 PM, Andy Dougherty <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Speaking more broadly, I find parrot's development very scattered.
> It's hard to find stuff.  Was it on a mailing list?  on a web page?
> Which web page?  launchpad?  some blog site?  perlfoundation.org?
> parrotcode.org?  One of the web sites listed in the README file?
> Somewhere else? Was it on IRC (which isn't logged anywhere, so discussions
> there are lost except to those who happen to be connected at the time)?

Yes, you are right. I still maintain "Perl 6 and Parrot links" (
http://perl6.cz/wiki/Perl_6_and_Parrot_links ). But it probably can't help
developers much.

S pozdravem Michal Jurosz

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