At 06:52 AM 6/15/2001 -0400, Bryan C. Warnock wrote:
>On Thursday 14 June 2001 12:01 pm, Dan Sugalski wrote:
> > As I see it, locales specify:
> >
> >    * Collating order
> >    * Comparison/equality specification
> >    * Unicode codepoint interpretation
>What do you mean by that?

Unless I'm missing something (Simon? Hong?) Japanese (and potentially all 
the languages that use the Han characters) can interpret a particular 
character as either a number or not a number, depending on context. The 
character for one also could mean first, at least according to the Kanji 
dictionary I have handy. It looks like this can happen in other non-numeric 
cases, but I'm much less sure of that.

I am potentially all wet, here, though. I'd be OK with that, since it would 
make things simpler to not have to deal with it.

> >    * Regex character classes
> >    * Regex character identification
> >    * Regex zero-width assertion rules
> >    * 'casing' rules
> >
> > It'd be nice to specify them all separately and inherit the ones you don't
> > need to change from some parent locale.
>Or have these individual bits and pieces be addressable through the regexen,
>and have locales *defined* via that.
>module Locale::Hawaiian;
>use re 'class (\w => [aeiouâêîôûhklmnpw`])';

Sure. I expect Damian will write us something that lets you specify them 
upside-down in Klingon or something by the time this is done. :)

>On a side note (and this *will* sound stupid, but there is a reason I'm
>asking).  Why is there no logical opposite to '.'; that is, a character
>which never matches another character?  (Besides, of course, that it's
>utterly useless from a classic regex perspective.)

Ask Larry. When would you want to match nothing? (And how do you upcase a 
period anyway? I suppose we could go for one of the Unicode open circle 


--------------------------------------"it's like this"-------------------
Dan Sugalski                          even samurai
[EMAIL PROTECTED]                         have teddy bears and even
                                      teddy bears get drunk

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