
> From: Dan Sugalski [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> There's nothing really past what make does. The reason for having our own
> *) Make isn't everywhere (like windows)
> *) Make on various platforms has different syntax (VMS, Windows, and Unix
> are all different)
> *) Not speaking for anyone else, but I find make's gotten rather creaky
> a round the edges--after 20+ years presumably we can make things a bit
> *) Having the full power of perl in the build tool should give us a big
> boost in utility. (Consider the difference between C macros and Perl
> filters)
> *) It'll be really unfamiliar to everyone, which'll stop folks from
> into old, non-portable habits.

If there is going to be a new build tool for perl6, i would suggest using
something similar
to Ant (http://jakarta.apache.org/ant/)

Ant is not suitable for parrot of course (it requires Java) but its design
is quite good imho.

>From its webpage:

> Ant is different. Instead of a model where it is extended with shell based
commands, it is
> extended using Java classes. Instead of writing shell commands, the
configuration files
> are XML based calling out a target tree where various tasks get executed.
Each task is run
> by an object which implements a particular Task interface.

It tries to avoid executing shell commands (which is good if you want to be
portable to places
like Windows) and instead it comes with a predefined set of tasks (remove
files, compile, etc..).
that can be extended programming your own Task classes.

This article: http://www.onjava.com/pub/a/onjava/2001/02/22/open_source.html
a very good job at giving you a feeling of how it works.

In my limited expierence, this is something very similar to what we would
need for parrot/perl6.

Just my half a cent,

Angel Faus

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