On 10/23/01 8:16 AM, Paolo Molaro wrote:
> On 10/23/01 Simon Cozens wrote:
>> On Tue, Oct 23, 2001 at 12:16:04PM +0200, Paolo Molaro wrote:
>>> autoconf automake libtool
>> MVS, MacOS, cross-compilation.
> [...]
> MacOS: I guess any type of Makefile based build system would not work on
> MacOS. They can use a separate build setup with project files for the
> metrowerks compiler or whatever the compiler is going to be there.

As one of the few rabid Mac users on this list, let me just say that I
personally have no problem with classic Mac OS support being totally dropped
from Parrot if it'll get stuff out the door sooner :)  Classic Mac OS is
(somewhat sadly) a dead OS at this point.  By the time Parrot is "done",
Apple will probably be shipping hardware that won't even *boot* classic Mac
OS outside of a virtual machine in OS X.

(Also, I'd be much happier if those resources could be redirected to making
sure Perl 6, apache, mod_perl, etc. all builds as easily on OS X as they do
on, say, Solaris...but now I'm just whining ;)

(Apache::Request-less on OS X, 7 months and counting...)

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