At 07:58 PM 8/22/00 +0200, Markus Peter wrote:

>What I was actually requesting was a small pragma which simply turns off 
>all fatality, in the whole program, similar to what $SIG{__DIE__} 
>currently is able to do,

Are you sure?  $SIG{__DIE__} cannot prevent the program terminating once it 

>  without the need to span a try/catch block across my whole main program 
> - I simply do not like the look and feel of that. Even though this has 
> global effects, it's not necessarily evil, we should only ensure that it 
> cannot be used from within a .pm

I don't think you should try that (limiting to a .pm) even if you 
could.  One person's .pm is another person's user code.

 From the reactions on this thread so far I am wondering whether the 
message I sent out about it when it had a different name got 
through.  Relevant excerpt:

Well, you could certainly have a pragma that makes throw set $! to the 
message and does a return undef.  But that will only return from the 
current subroutine; there could be a bunch of module subroutines between 
that one and the module user.  Asking module programmers to keep straight 
two possible flows of control in error situations, no less, is asking for 
trouble.  If you think it can be made easier, can you show an example?

I think all we can do is encourage module authors to provide both styles 
with a switch to select them by (API decided by module author).  The 
reality will be that some module authors will do that, some will do 
exception handling everyhere, some will do error return everywhere, and 
some will do a mixture of both in the same module.  Which, btw, is what we 
have right now.  Grep the core pm's for 'croak' and 'die'.  Take a look at 
the (F)s in perldiag.  Notice that division doen't return undef when the 
dividend is 0 :-)

I just looked at non-core modules and the usage of croak and die is even 
higher.  So IMHO it is already unreasonable to expect to be able to program 
completely in a return-code handling style.

Now, I do not want that to detract completely from Chaim's point, which is 
well taken.  I too would rather say

         my $fh = open $filename or die "Couldn't copy source: $!"


         my $fh; try { $fh = open $filename } catch { die "Couldn't copy 
source: ", $@->syserr }

I *know* that it sucks, linguistically, to convolve error notification with 
the return data space, and then to pass additional information out-of-band 
in a global variable.  It also happens to be darn readable.  I don't want 
to give it up any more than you, Chaim.

I think I have an answer.  We should be able to take care of the core by 
using; so if a program wants core functions to set $! and return 
anyway, that will be the default.  This means that some core functions that 
currently die will need their interfaces reworked.  I actually see nothing 
wrong in division returning undef for a dividend of 0.  It's just as easy 
to check as doing an eval.

Module authors should also be able to take advantage of  "use 
Fatal" should set something that can be checked by any programmer (heck, 
that doesn't even have to be restricted to module authors; the creator of 
an insanely large program might do it).  The programmer can use this to 
decide whether to throw an exception or return.  [Bennett, this impacts RFC 
70 in IMHO a good way; you may consider expanding its scope to be not just 
binding on the core, but advisory for everything else.  Perhaps suggest an 
interface whereby user code can see what the setting is.]

***But it's entirely up to each programmer whether or not they use 
Fatal-checking***  This is the Perl way anyway.

And guess what?  Some people will do it, some people won't; some people 
will throw exceptions everywhere, some won't, and some will do a 
mixture.  Just like now.  You want to use a module, you read its interface 
documentation and if it throws, you catch; or you use something else.

Maybe one day we can make a CPANTS [Comprehensive Perl Archive Network 
Testing Service, under development] test for Fatal-checking, and authors 
who do it will get better karma.
Peter Scott
Pacific Systems Design Technologies

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