Tom Christiansen wrote:

> Have all here please looked at
>     use Fatal qw(:void open close);
> yet?
> thanks,
> --tom

So that's a way of turning certain non-fatal errors into fatal errors for
the class of functions that happen to indicate non-fatal error via a false
return value.  So what did you expect we would learn from this?

1) that "use fatal" is already taken, and we should use a different name?  I
already avoided using "fatal" as name in my example; I used
"uncaught_throws_fatal" or some such long gibberish.

2) that the word "exception" is already used in Perl to mean "die", and that
a different word should be used for the general class of processing
described variously by RFCs 63, 88, and 119, even though the standard word
in the industry for that functionality is "exception"?

3) that there are yet other ways to deal with the particular example I
chose, open ?

4) that you just wanted us to be aware of the existing functionality there?

5) something else (probably)?

Sorry, I got no flash of lightening by reading the current, so I
guess I'm not particularly good at intuiting the intention behind your

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