At 11:49 AM 2/15/01 -0800, Randal L. Schwartz wrote:
> >>>>> "Peter" == Peter Scott <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
>Peter> Quite.  But on a tangent, I see no good reason why this shouldn't be
>Peter> given the same interpretation as "my ($a, $b, $c)" on the grounds that
>Peter> functions taking list arguments that omit their parentheses swallow up
>Peter> the following list.
>*some* functions.  localtime doesn't.

Er, that's why I said functions taking list arguments.  localtime takes a 
scalar argument:

$ perl -le 'print prototype("CORE::localtime")'

But if we consider my to be a function (something of a stretch since it has 
compile-time actions), then it must take a list argument otherwise my ($a, 
$b, $c) would be illegal.

>   my is a unary function, prototyped
>vaguely as (\$) or (\@) or (\%).

More like ((\$)|(\@)|(\%))+, for want of a better notation...

Peter Scott
Pacific Systems Design Technologies

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