On Thu, 31 Oct 2002, Ed Peschko wrote:

> Michael Lazarro wrote:
> > 1) Need a definite syntax for hypers
> >      ^[op] and <<op>>
> > have been most seriously proposed -- something that keeps a
> > bracketed syntax, but solves ambiguity issues.
> hm. What was wrong with just '^' again? Reading the threads, it seems to have
> gotten lost in the shuffle.

Personally, I would like to see us come full circle back to just ^ again

The main problem seems to be that we want ^ and ^^ for xor-ing things,
so ^^ could be either a logical-xor or a vector-one-superposition.

So what if we just made the [] optional?  Then all the original
hyper/vector documentation is still valid.  (The meanings of ^+ ^|| ^<<=
etc are all non-ambiguous.)  For the ambiguous case, ^^ is logical-xor
because it is used more often, and vector-one-superposition is
unambiguously ^[^] .

~ John Williams

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