Ed Peschko writes:
 > I agree with all that you said above, I'm just saying we should make typing [] 
 > *optional*. 99% of the time, people are not going to need it, as they are not 
 > defining their own operators as you did above.
 > Ed

long ago ( when xor was "!" and ^ was called hyper ) Larry Wall was
talking about allowing spaces between "bulding blocks   of long
operators @a ^ .+ = @b . so optional [ ] in vector operations becomes
*very* similar to optional ( ) in function call . Now almost sure  ,
that name of the vectorization will change couple of times ( and if
it's sub one ( everyone will ! ) can define alias 
&operator:^[] := &operator:`<<>>` ( very vague ) ). 
so , maybe , the fruitfull  way to generalize vector operations is to
say : 
perl do not have vector operations . 
perl have operator algebra ( does it ? ) that can produce "vector"
version of any operator , but more so . 

  op = 
^ op  
v op 
t op 


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