On 2002-10-31 at 12:45:23, David Wheeler wrote:
> Plus, it turns out not to be at all hard to type on Mac OS X. ;-)
Well, the angle quotes happen to fall within Latin-1, and so they're
easier to get to.  On Windows you can either set up special key mappings or
just type ALT+171 for « and ALT+187 for », which gets wearisome after
a while although you can get your fingers taught pretty quickly.   
Vim and emacs and XIM all take care of the UNIX case.

Once you wander away from Latin-1 into the more general world
of Unicode, you start running into trouble on the input side.
On Windows you pretty much have to use the Character map accessory.
Emacs and vim still work on UNIX, but I don't know of a XIM
implementation for general Unicode.  (Although if you log into
your Unix machine using Kermit-95, it has a keystroke sequence for
arbitrary Unicode input).

Presumably, though, if Perl did have Unicode operators, it would
also have an ASCII alternative, even if only something like
\u00ab and \u00bb.

Mark REED                    | CNN Internet Technology
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