On Thu, Nov 14, 2002 at 12:19:47PM +0000, Andy Wardley wrote:
> Can we overload + in Perl 6 to work as both numeric addition
> and string concatenation, depending on the type of the operand 
> on the left?
> I realise the answer is "probably not", given the number/string
> ambiguity of Perl variables:
>   my $a = 123;
>   my $b = 456;
>   $a + $b;     # 579 or 123456?

Its worse than that, what does this do:

     sub add ($num1, $num2) {
         return $num1 + $num2;

     add($foo, $bar);

There are obvious simple cases

      $foo = 23;     $bar = 42;     (perl can figure this one out easy)
      $foo = "foo";  $bar = "bar";  (perl can figure ditto)

but it rapidly gets ambiguous

      $foo = 23;     $bar = 'bar';
      $foo = '23';   $bar = 42;

so maybe you can solve it with types:

      sub add (number $num1, number $num2) {

but what about this very simple case:

      # We read in from a file, so should Perl consider them 
      # strings or numbers?
      @numbers = slurp 'number_file';  chomp @numbers;
      $total = $numbers[0] + $numbers[1];

then you have to do something like this:

      number @numbers = slurp 'number_file';  chomp @numbers;
      $total = $numbers[0] + $numbers[1];

and I really, really, really don't want to even have to think about types
for basic tasks.

No matter what you decide 23 + 'bar' should do (should it concat? should it
add? should it be an error?) it will be wrong to 2/3 of the population
because the add/concat idea violates the cardinal rule of overloading:

    Don't make the same op do two different things.

While people might think string concatination is the same as numeric
addition, its really quite a different operation.  If we were to try and
make + do similar things for both it would either be:

     23  + 42  == 64;
     'a' + 'c' == 'd';


     'a' + 'c' == 'ac';
     23  + 42  == 2342;

If you find yourself having to decide between two radically different
behaviors when a binary op is presented with two different types, something
is wrong.

The real question is: should adding two strings to anything at all?

And the real question below that one is: how far should type coercion go?

In Perl 5 it stops at a sane point:

  $ perl -wle 'print "bar" + "foo"'
  Argument "foo" isn't numeric in addition (+) at -e line 1.
  Argument "bar" isn't numeric in addition (+) at -e line 1.

Ok, so string + string does something almost as odd as C does, but at least
it warns about it.  And that's probably a good default way to handle it.

<copout type=standard>And you can always just change the behavior of
strings in a module.</copout>


Michael G. Schwern   <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>    http://www.pobox.com/~schwern/
Perl Quality Assurance      <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>         Kwalitee Is Job One
Monkey tennis

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