The Perl 6 Summary for the week ending 2004-03-28
    ... and we're back! Another interesting week in Perl 6. Your Summarizer
    even wrote some [parrot] code and it's been simply ages since he did
    that. In accordance with ancient custom, we'll start the summary with

  Building with miniparrot
    Back in the early days Dan proposed, and it was generally agreed that
    the Parrot build process wouldn't be Perl dependent, but instead there
    would be a few OS specific 'bootstrap' scripts, enough to get miniparrot
    up and running. Miniparrot would have just enough smarts to be able to
    complete the configuration and build the final full parrot.

    After last week's discussion about reinventing metaconfig, I wondered if
    the miniparrot plan was still in place. It seems I'd missed the
    discussion of "stat" that ended up talking about how miniparrot would be
    able to do its job. I find myself wondering what else is needed to get
    miniparrot to the point where it can start doing configuration work.

  Continuations continued (and fun with stacks)
    Warning: The following discussion of the Continuation discussions is
    irrevocably biased; I find it very hard to be objective about
    discussions I participate in, and I was rather loud mouthed in this one.

    The previous discussions of the uses and semantics of continuations
    carried over into this week. Piers Cawley argued that the current stack
    architecture seemed to be optimized for the wrong thing, with the
    special case RetContinuations being symptoms. He argued that current
    architecture (where a single stack frame can accommodate multiple
    pushes, with copy on write semantics being used to handle full
    continuations) should be replaced with a 'naïve' architecture using
    linked lists of immutable, simple stack frames, one frame per push.
    Switching to this approach, he argued, would do away with a great deal
    of code complexity, and issues of high object creation overhead could be
    offset by using free lists and preallocation to reuse stack frames. Oh
    yes, and there'd be no difference between a RetContinuation and a full
    Continuation with this scheme.

    Leo Tötsch wasn't convinced. Dan was though, and made the decision to
    switch to single item per frame, immutable, non COW stacks. Leo
    implemented it. His first cut was rather slow; later refinements added
    freelists and other handy stuff to start pulling the performance back
    up. I'm sure there's more refinement to come though.

  Variadic functions
    Ilya Martynov had some questions about how to handle variadic functions.
    Leo clarified some things and pointed Ilya at the "foldup" op. Jens
    Rieks suggested aliasing the registers "I[1-4]" to "argc[ISPN]", which
    Leo liked. I'm not sure he's implemented it yet though.

  GCC compiling to Parrot
    In previous weeks Gerard Butler had posted wondering about getting GCC
    to target Parrot. The initial response was rather negative, pointing out
    that GCC and Parrot saw memory *very* differently, to the extent that
    there would probably be a need have special PMCs for GCC managed memory,
    which would make communication between GCC implemented languages and
    Parrot implemented ones rather tricky.

    Undeterred, Gerald mapped out a way forward and asked for opinions. Dan
    thought the scheme looked reasonable, but fenced that with the caveat
    that he knows nothing about GCC's internals.

  Safe execution core and ops classification
    Leo checked in some patches from Jens Rieks to allow classification of
    ops. He thought that this meant we were a good way along the road to
    providing a 'Safe' run-core option, though there was still a lot to do.
    He outlined a road map and asked for comments (and implementations).
    Comments were forthcoming, and Dan eventually bundled his comments up
    into a single post with some design in it. For some reason this induced
    some industrial hand waving about Proof Carrying Code from Steve Fink
    (he accused himself of hand waving, not me).

    Jarkko Hietaniemi (Emacs' dynamic completion suggested 'Jarkko Himself'
    for that one. Well, it made *me* smile) offered the pathological

        eval 'while([EMAIL PROTECTED],0){}'

    as an example of the kind of bad things that can happen if you allow
    "eval EXPR" in your 'safe' code, even with strict rules on what it's
    allowed to compile (Dan pointed out that quotas would help in this
    particular case...)

    If there's one lesson to take from the discussion it's this: Code Safety
    is Hard. Whether it's AI Hard or not is left as an exercise for the
    interested reader. -- Dan's big(gish) post

  UNO (Universal Network Objects) interface for Parrot?
    Tim Bunce pointed everyone at OpenOffice's Universal Network Objects and
    wondered if anyone had had a look to see what is needed to plug Parrot
    into them. And was promptly Warnocked. -- More on UNO

  Load paths
    In Perl, it's possible to write "require Some::Module", and Perl will go
    off and hunt for the appropriate file in the various directories in its
    @INC. You can do something similar in most languages.

    Right now, you can't do it in Parrot though; Parrot's "load_bytecode"
    and other such ops take filesystem paths so, if things aren't set up
    exactly as the programmer expects, Bad Things can happen.

    As Dan (and others on IRC and elsewhere I'm sure) points out, this is
    sub optimal. He posted an overview of the issue and a few possible ways
    forward and asked for comments. There were several. Mostly along the
    lines of 'core support for full over the net URIs for bytecode loading
    would be unutterably Bad'.

  Tcl, looking for a few good people
    Will Coleda's Tcl implementation has apparently reached the point where
    he'd appreciate assistance. He said as much on the list. If you're
    interested in helping getting a full Tcl implementation that targets
    Parrot up and running then drop him a line.

  Ulterior Reference Counting for DoD
    Andre Pang pointed the list at a paper on yet another Garbage Collection
    strategy called 'Ulterior Reference Counting' that looks potentially
    interesting. However, it turns out that it doesn't quite work that well
    with Parrot since Parrot guarantees that objects don't move around.

  Multi Method Dispatch vtable functions in bytecode
    Dan announced that he'd started adding opcode support for multimethod
    dispatch. Leo had a bunch of questions with no answers so far.

  So that's where Jürgen's been
    After a long absence, Jürgen Bömmels appeared on the list and explained
    that he'd got a new job, moved to a new town and had had no connection
    to the Internet. He's currently working through a huge backlog of mail
    and trying to get familiar with the current state of Parrot. It sounds
    like it might be a while before he starts contributing patches to
    ParrotIO again. Still, welcome back Jürgen.

    Piers Cawley posted his initial version of ParrotUnit, a port of the
    xUnit OO testing framework. Warnock applies.

  Behaviour of PMCs on assignment
    Dan noted that, right now, binary vtable functions take three arguments,
    the destination, the left hand side and the right hand side, which
    allows them to either take the type of the destination into account, or
    simply to replace it with a new value. The advantage of this approach is
    that vtable functions have the potential to be more efficient when, say,
    the left hand side is the same as the destination. The disadvantage is
    that you have to make a PMC to receive the results of the operation
    before you can actually do the operation, which can be a pain (and
    suboptimal). Dan offered 3 different options and asked for opinions.

    TOGoS argued that the 3 argument form was actually the Wrong Thing in
    general and that vtable methods should simply create a new PMC and
    replace the destination with it. He argued that this behaviour is what
    most HLLs expect, and having it would make the compiler's life a great
    deal easier.

Meanwhile, in perl6-language
    They talked about Unicode a good deal, but (per my announcement a few
    weeks back) I won't be covering those bits.

  Outer product considered useful
    Luke Palmer proposed an "outer([EMAIL PROTECTED])" function to allow for what he
    called 'dynamically nested loops'. He even provided an implementation
    for it which used a coroutine. As Simon Cozens pointed out, the fact
    that something as powerful as Luke's proposal can be implemented in
    (initially buggy) pure Perl 6 with no need for any additions to the
    language itself is very nice, but really more of a side issue for the
    time being.

  Announcements, Acknowledgements, Apologies
    No announcements (apart from "Look! ParrotUnit! It's jolly good! You
    should use it and send me patches!") this week. And if you think I'm

    If you find these summaries useful or enjoyable, please consider
    contributing to the Perl Foundation to help support the development of
    Perl. You might also like to send me feedback at
    mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED], or drop by my website, maybe I'll
    *really* add some content to it this week. -- The Perl Foundation -- Perl 6 Development site -- My website, "Just a Summary"

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