The Perl 6 Summary for the week ending 2004-05-02
    So, May Day didn't quite knock me for six this year (but being up at 4am
    on Newcastle Town Moor on Saturday morning to welcome in the summer with
    a bunch of rapper dancers (and no, rapper does not involve large shouty
    men wearing positively kitsch amounts of jewellery posturing in front of
    scantily clad women and shouting about how they're keeping it real, or
    whatever the current argot is. It's a rather older tradition of men
    making fools of themselves than that) is guaranteed to leave a chap
    feeling rather tired) so here's the summary.

    We'll kick off with perl6-internals. Again.

  GCC for Parrot
    Vishal Vatsa announced that he was working on getting GCC to compile to
    Parrot as his masters research project. I'm sure we're all wishing him
    the best of luck.

  Parrot strings
    Various discussions of the Right Way to do string handling continued.
    Dan clarified his Strings design docs and Jeff Clites posted a 'Strings

    It seems, to this observer at least, that a big problem with dealing
    with strings is that there's rather more than one Right Way to do
    things, depending on how you're looking at the problem and what you're
    trying to do. Dan's problem is that he has to find some way of
    accommodating all the various contradictory things that people want to
    do to strings without making any of them unduly painful. (Not assisted
    by the fact that, in one last week's documents he managed to graphemes,
    characters and glyphs slightly mixed up.)

    Me? I'm punting on summarizing this properly. My theory is that if you
    know enough about this stuff to be of assistance then anything I say
    will almost certainly be an annoying simplification too far. And if you
    both know enough about strings and care enough about Parrot, you're
    already involved in the thread. Hopefully there'll come a point in the
    future when everything's settled and this section of the summary will
    say "Strings got sorted at last, look at this URL for details". -- Strings Manifesto

  Win32 and cygwin issues
    There's been a good deal of work this week on getting things building
    properly in the Win32 and cygwin environments. Ron Blaschke, 'Limbic
    Region', George R and Leo Tötsch all worked on things.

  NCI and 'Out' parameters
    Mr ParrotSDL (aka chromatic) showed an SDL function signature that he
    wanted to use via NCI (Parrot's Native Call Interface), but which didn't
    work because it had two pointer arguments that were used by the function
    as out parameters. He proposed changing the NCI PDD (PDD16) to support
    this sort of thing cleanly. Leo, Dan, Tim Bunce and chromatic discussed
    the changes needed.

    A little later in the week, chromatic posted a patch implementing
    something to solve the problem.

  Joys of assignment
    There's been some discussion recently about what happens with assignment
    and/or binding, and the difference between value and reference types.
    Dan decided that the time was right to post a clarification of the
    issues as they related to Parrot.

  Fun with md5sum
    Nick Glencross's idea of fun is, apparently, implementing md5sum in
    IMCC. He posted his first cut at an implementation. I think Leo's
    response holds for all of us: "Wow". Maybe I'm looking in all the wrong
    places, but so far it doesn't appear to be in the repository, but it can
    only be a matter of time.

  Return continuation register
    Dan's working through outstanding issues and tidying up loose ends. One
    result of this is that he's been thinking about how the return
    continuation is handled. The new design (and calling conventions?) makes
    use of a return register in the interpreter structure, which gets saved
    as part of the environment that a continuation captures.

  Library loading
    Clearing up another loose end, Dan did some design of how we're going to
    cope with loading libraries.

  Keyed vtables and MMD
    If you've been following the mailing list for any length of time
    (especially if you've been following it directly rather than
    summarized), you'll be aware that there's been a long running...
    discussion between Leo and Dan about the keyed variants of all the
    binary vtable entries: Leo worries that there's a heck of a lot of 'em;
    Dan worries that it means creating temporary PMCs in what should be
    simple circumstances.

    It turns out that having *all* the keyed variants does rather get in the
    way of multi-method dispatch. So Dan's mandated that get rid of the
    keyed variants for everything but get and set and move all the operator
    functions out of the vtable and into the Multi method dispatch system.
    He asked for comments...

    It turns out that moving to MMD everywhere doesn't seem to have any
    deleterious effect on performance, which is nice. In fact, in some cases
    it's faster.

  File stat info
    Tying up another loose end, Dan specced out how "stat" is going to work.
    It was modified (slimmed down rather a lot) after discussion.

  One more thing
    Dan noted that, by going MMD all the way, it means we can skip the
    bytecode->C->bytecode transition for MMD functions that are written in
    Parrot bytecode and just dispatch to them as if they were any other sub.

  MMD table setup semantics
    Dan opened a discussion of what should happen when we add things to a
    Multimethod dispatch table. Discussion followed.

  Double-checking compiler function parameters
    Dan thought allowed about what a compiler module should look like and
    asked for comments. Leo and Stefan Lidman came through with some.

  Pointer stores and DOD
    Dan reckons the time has come to make sure that all stores of pointers
    to DOD-able structures into DOD-able places are done with a mediating
    function (or macro). The idea is that doing this will allow us to
    experiment with other Garbage Collection techniques without having to
    change vast amounts of code.

  TODO: Forth as a compiler module
    Dan laid down a TODO challenge: Your mission, should you choose to
    accept it, is to take languages/forth/forth.pasm into a loadable
    compiler module that you can compile workable forth code with. Go to it!

  Outstanding parrot issues
    Roll up! Roll up! Come and see the Ponie trainer and the Patchmonster
    engage in a free and frank exchange of views!

    Well, maybe not quite that extreme. Nicholas Clark, Arthur Bergman and
    Leo Tötsch have had a long standing disagreement about how Parrot's
    embedding works.

    Because of the weekend falling when it did, you'll get the resolution
    next week.

Meanwhile, in perl6-language
  A12 Versioning
    Richard Proctor isn't happy with the A12 versioning proposal, and he
    said as much, outlining what he didn't like about it. Aldo Calpini had
    some further comments. Larry came through with answers.

  Compatibility with Perl 5
    The discussion of how to write identify Perl 6 and Perl 5 scripts
    continued. Larry suggested moving to using ":" as the command line
    switch in Perl 6, so a minimal Perl 6 marker would be something like:

        #!/usr/bin/perl :
        #!/usr/bin/perl ::
        #!/usr/bin/perl :6

    Jonathan Scott Duff doesn't like using shifted characters to for
    commandline switches, so he suggested using "=" instead. Other options
    were suggested...

  On inheriting wrappers
    Aldo Calpini had some questions about using wrappers with methods, and
    whether wrappers got inherited. I must confess I didn't quite follow the
    discussion, but Larry seemed to.

  Hey look everyone, p6stories!
    Now that we have Apocalypses 1-6 and 12, that could be seen as having
    most of the language done. So chromatic pointed everyone at the P6
    stories Wiki and suggested that they join the effort of breaking the
    apocalypses up into stories and (hopefully) test cases, to help make the
    job of writing Perl 6 itself much easier.

  How to parameterize roles
    Austin Hastings wondered how/if he could implement a parameterized role.
    Luke Palmer had some answers, and some unsolicited (but rather useful)
    design advice. Aaron Sherman also had some design advice.

Announcements, Acknowledgements, Apologies
    If you find these summaries useful or enjoyable, please consider
    contributing to the Perl Foundation to help support the development of
    Perl. You might also like to send me feedback at
    mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] -- The Perl Foundation -- Perl 6 Development site

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