The Perl 6 Summary for the week ending 2004-05-09
    Ooh look. Stuff's been happening in perl6-internals again. Will wonders
    never cease?

  Building NCI by default
    Bernhard Schmalhofer posted a patch to turn on building by
    default so that the tests in t/pmc/nci.t would get run on more builds by
    default. Leo Tötsch applied them and sat back to see what broke. He,
    Nicholas Clark and Andrew Dougherty went on to have a discussion about
    when dynamic loading may not be available (Did you know that Crays don't
    do dynamic loading?) or desirable.

    Various OSes broke, and appropriate patches were created and applied.

  MMD and bytecode implementations
    There was some debate on how register saving should be handled when
    doing multi method dispatch to operators that end up with an
    implementation in bytecode. I was involved in this discussion and I'm
    still busy arguing my corner. So, rather than abuse this particular
    soapbox with a partial (as in 'not impartial') summary, I'm just going
    to point you at the root message of the thread.

  Embedding and the stack
    Dan ruled on PMCs that live outside parrot, and on calling into parrot
    from the outside. Brent Royal-Gordon implemented a 'proof of concept'
    that got applied pretty quickly. Nicholas Clark wasn't entirely
    convinced that everything in the garden was lovely, but we're currently
    in 'suck it and see' mode.

  The ongoing saga of cygwin
    Cygwin had all sorts of problems this week, with ICU, with NCI and (no
    surprise really) garbage collection. Joshua Gatcomb acted as Leo's eyes
    and hands during an extended bug hunt which ended with all tests passing
    and parrot running pleasingly quickly on the cygwin platform.

  NCI Nested struct access broken
    Leo on chromatic tracked down a bug with accessing nested structs when
    using the Native Call Interface.

  Async IO notes
    Dan dropped a few notes on how Parrot's asynchronous IO was going to

  The linker TODO
    In another of his TODO tasks for the interested, Dan asked for someone
    to tidy up the parrot link stages so that the various parrot libraries
    were rather less promiscuous about exporting symbols. The problem's not
    solved yet, but it's being worked on.

  Towards a final events design
    Dan's working on the design Parrot's event and IO system and he had a
    question about dealing with external events. Discussion ensued. Some of
    it related to Dan's question.

  Return Continuations
    Dan was about to implement the previously discussed return continuation
    register, but Leo argued that it should be done gradually and, I think,
    carried the day.

  NCI sub call syntax in PIR
    Leo's rejigged IMCC so that making an NCI call is a little easier.

  Documentation on writing PMCs
    Nicholas Clark asked after documentation on how to write a PMC. It turns
    out there isn't any in the distribution, but Mike Scott has some useful
    stuff on his Wiki. It seems that Real Men use the source. Hopefully this
    will change eventually (soon?).

  Ponie's performing pants
    Nicholas Clark reported that, now that ponie is using PMCs to handle
    Perl scalars, Ponie's performance is now 'pants'. It turned out to be a
    problem with Garbage Collection. The initial fix gave a massive
    performance increase, but there are still issues to address.

Meanwhile, in perl6-language
  Returning from rules
    Larry ruled on Luke Palmer's rule return proposal. Essentially the
    proposal as it stood was rejected in favour of a possible new "succeed"

  Required named parameters never go away do they?
    Dov Wasserman chimed in on the subject of required named parameters.
    Larry was unconvinced by his proposal.

  Specifying class interfaces with "AUTOMETH"
    Austin Hastings had some questions about "AUTOMETH" and "AUTOMETHDEF".
    It appears from Larry's answers that Austin had the wrong end of that
    particular stick.

  Named parameters vs. slurpy hash syntax
    Dov Wasserman worries that named parameters and slurpy hash arguments
    don't get on very well. Others disagreed.

  "is rw" trait's effect on signature
    Aaron Sherman pointed to an issue with the "is rw" trait and wondered if
    he was making a fool of himself. For some reason the responses turned
    into a discussion of the difference between 'isa' and 'does'
    relationships. In response to Aaron's question, Dan implied that Aaron
    was expecting rather too much to happen at compile time.

Apologies, Announcements, Acknowledgements
    If you find these summaries useful or enjoyable, please consider
    contributing to the Perl Foundation to help support the development of
    Perl. You might also like to send me feedback at
    mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] -- The Perl Foundation -- Perl 6 Development site

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