On Sat, Jan 1, 2011 at 9:39 AM, Richard Hainsworth <rich...@rusrating.ru> wrote:
> On 01/01/11 03:41, Daniel Carrera wrote:
>> On Sat, Jan 1, 2011 at 1:26 AM, Chas. Owens<chas.ow...@gmail.com>  wrote:
>>> On Wed, Dec 29, 2010 at 21:39, Xue, Brian<brian....@amd.com>  wrote:
>>>> I want to adding one more answer about what are people waiting for
>>>> before they
>>>> start using Perl 6.
>>>> There hasn't an official release of PERL6.0, just Rakudo. I'm afraid of
>>>> Rakudo is cancelled, I don't want to make my product based on an 
>>>> uncertainty
>>>> matter.
>>> snip
>>> This shows a fundamental misunderstanding of what Perl 6 is.  As far
>>> as I know there will never be a release of Perl 6.0 (it definitely
>>> won't be PERL6.0).  Perl 6 is a specification and a set of tests.  Any
>>> program that can pass the test suite and conforms to the specification
>>> IS a Perl 6.  Right now the program that passes the most tests and
>>> conforms most closely to the specification is Rakudo.
>> But Xue still has a valid point that even the Perl 6 spec doesn't exist
>> yet.
> Moreover, a survey should be testing perceptions, even if the perceptions
> contradict what some feel are facts. It sometimes pays to be agnostic about
> what can be counted as a fact to learn how other people think.


> just wanting to
> indicate that a survey can be useful if worded in a value-free manner.

It would be nice to figure out what is the percentage of people who
don't yet look at Perl 6 because there was not official Perl 6.0
or in more general what are the blocking issues for them.
I just would like to make sure that by asking the question we don't
strengthen the belief that there ever will be an official Perl 6.0
Of course that might be part of *my* misunderstanding that I think
there won't be such thing. I don't have trouble if the questions
and the possible answers already provide some form of education
pointing people to the possible real answers.

So for example:

I'll start learning Perl 6  (select one or more that fits your opinion)
*) when Larry Wall declares that Perl 6.0 is ready
*) after Rakudo 1.0 is released
*) when the default running perl -v in my Linux distribution will say
it is version 6.0 or later
*) After the Learning Perl 6th edition will be published
*) After DBI and DBD::Mysql is ported
*) never
*) I have already started to learn

What do you think?


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