On Fri, Dec 6, 2019 at 05:04 ToddAndMargo via perl6-users
<perl6-users@perl.org> wrote:
> I have uncovered several booboos in the docs.  I find them
> to not be all that accurate either.  I really don't trust
> them.  And since they are written in IEEE-eese, booboos are
> really hard to spot.
> And when I do spot them, it is really hard to get a fix
> past the bug reporter's guard dog.  You have to argue and
> argue and argue.  I don't report a lot of bugs to them
> anymore do to this. It is far more effective to report
> them here.

Todd, arguing via email is almost guaranteed to be fruitless. You need
to learn to use Github and make pull requests (PRs)  for the EXACT
changes you think should be made to the docs. With apologies to you,
sometimes it is difficult for a simple man like me to help when your
code is too complex ("golfed") or incomplete to sort out easily in
your email. Your "keepers" could be a PR for changes to the docs.

Note the Perl docs have been refined, by experts, since the late
1980s, while the Raku docs have been expanding, by individuals with
itches to scratch and varying talents, for probably much less than 20

Best regards,


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