On 2019-12-07 01:42, Elizabeth Mattijsen wrote:
Well, for one you seem to have missed the fact that RT is no longer used to 
report bugs in Rakudo.  So I'd argue, yes, you do appear*not*  to know how to 
report bugs.

I haven't reported any in a while to Perl 6, so I you
won't find any of my stuff on the new reporter.

I take that back.  I did break my rule and report one
over here:

zef requires git

Round and Round and Round we went.  Coke finally
took it seriously.  Learned my lesson though.

As far as reporting bugs, I report bazillions of them
all over the place.

Seems to me I hurt a lot of feelings by slamming the
poor documentation.  It is not my intention.  I
do very much value the help you and other have given
me in the past.

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