> On 7 Dec 2019, at 00:30, ToddAndMargo via perl6-users <perl6-users@perl.org> 
> wrote:
> What makes you think I do not know how to use
> the bug reporting system?

Well, for one you seem to have missed the fact that RT is no longer used to 
report bugs in Rakudo.  So I'd argue, yes, you do appear *not* to know how to 
report bugs.

> I have reported such things before.  It is like
> spitting in the wind.

Again, yet you appear to use Raku, built and maintained by developers, but you 
act like a paying customer complaining about the help desk.  You get what you 
pay for.  If you do not report bugs, the bugs will surely stay.  If you *do* 
report bugs, then *maybe* they'll get fixed.  That's the reality.  Deal with it.

> The IEEE-eese stays.
> It is the culture and they are not changing it.

Again, the "they" you are referring to, is a community of *VOLUNTEERS*.

> If you have hours and hours and hours to spend
> arguing with the guard dog, you can get minor
> changes made.

Have you considered the *possibility* that what you want, may not be such a 
good thing after all??

> If you post to them an example that
> your think makes things more understandable, they
> tell you to learn the IEEE-eese.  I gave up.

I don't think you have.

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