I agree with the points Vadim and JJ made: There's a good chance that having a 
more official 
communication channel would _not_ have prevented surprise here, since the 
amount of progress 
on the a potential docs redesign seems to have taken many people (including 
me!) by surprise.
I guess that's what happens when our community has "forgiveness >> permission" 
as a core value!

That said, I also agree with Vadim that we should have a better way to 
communicate things like
even if it wouldn't have been relevant in this particular case. In fact, we 
theoretically do: our 
website lists the perl6-announce list, which is supposed to be "low traffic (a 
few emails a

Looking at the archive for that list, it has been **very** low traffic indeed: 
the last message was

sent in 2015. So we clearly haven't been using it, and starting now (when we're 
about to finally 
move on to raku-* mailing lists) probably doesn't make much sense. But, once we 
do, making an
to actually use the raku-announce list seems like a good way to address this 

Finally, Richard, in the interest of not taking you by surprise again on the 
same topic, I wanted to
mention that, inspired by the proposed doc site redesign and your comments 
about the broader topic,
I'm now working on a proof of concept along the same lines (because I have a 
slightly different vision
of what a redesigned website might look like, but don't think I can communicate 
it without a POC).  I 
hope to be able to share more details in the coming days.

Daniel / codesections

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