Hello Richard (and all),

The simplest solution seems to be reviving the historical
mailing-lists pertaining to the Perl6 effort, in particular, the
"perl6-announce" mailing list at perl6-annou...@perl.org . Daniel
Sockwell wrote as much in his recent email. New subscribers can sign
up at perl6-announce-subscr...@perl.org .

According to https://raku.org/archive/lists/ , "perl6-announce [is a]
Moderated list for news of new lists, working groups, and so on.
Summaries from the top-level working groups are also posted here."
Presumably that includes reports from the Raku Steering Council.

Yes, it can/should be renamed "raku-announce", but in the meantime why
not use it?

Best Regards, Bill.

W. Michels, Ph.D.

On Mon, Mar 15, 2021 at 4:19 AM Richard Hainsworth
<rnhainswo...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Thanks to everyone that responded.
> It seems to me that the establishment of a common communication channel
> by the RSC (Raku Steering Council) would in itself define the Raku
> Community. Those who want to be a part of the community would track
> (follow, read, contribute etc) the channel. I don't think it is
> something that needs to be over-thought. Every channel has its
> advantages and disadvantages, and there's going to be someone who does
> not like the result.
> But the current situation of multiple channels of communicating is
> obviously going to create confusion. It would be like having multiple
> places for defining the same set of constants for a software project, or
> some other analogy of duplicating code that should be kept in one place
> and referred to, not written and maintained in multiple places.
> Also, if like-minded people have a way to share and cooperate, a
> community will build. Facilitating the growth of a community will have
> an impact on the acceptance of Raku as a language.
> Having multiple differing approaches to the same problem can be good -
> not arguing with that. But if there's no common way to share information
> about the multiple approaches, how can the different approaches be
> compared? If they can't be compared, then the advantages of multiple
> approaches are lost. And no one can be certain that their efforts are
> being considered.
> It turns out - from comments of JJ and Vadim - that Altai-man's
> initiative is a personal one. Had it not been late at night (for me) and
> had there been an established channel where  plans for community
> resources are shared, I would have realised that straight-away. Instead,
> I got annoyed and lost sleep (silly and unreasonable, but I am human).
> Daniel, I look forward to hearing from you. Altai-man, please send me a
> link that I can catch up with what you are planning (I'm not so good at
> tracking multiple github repos).
> One of the things I would like to do is to set up a way of doing
> documentation that will allow for multiple languages to be possible,
> which means that it should be possible to show the same documentation
> file side-by-side in two languages, with text for each language kept in
> a separate file, but for equivalent places in the documentation to be
> synchronised. It would also be good to have revisionning history
> visible, so that updates in the main text can be tracked so as to update
> in a target language text.
> Regards,
> Richard
> On 14/03/2021 21:16, Daniel Sockwell wrote:
> > I agree with the points Vadim and JJ made: There's a good chance that 
> > having a more official
> > communication channel would _not_ have prevented surprise here, since the 
> > amount of progress
> > on the a potential docs redesign seems to have taken many people (including 
> > me!) by surprise.
> > I guess that's what happens when our community has "forgiveness >> 
> > permission" as a core value!
> >
> > That said, I also agree with Vadim that we should have a better way to 
> > communicate things like
> > this,
> > even if it wouldn't have been relevant in this particular case. In fact, we 
> > theoretically do: our
> > website lists the perl6-announce list, which is supposed to be "low traffic 
> > (a few emails a
> > month)".
> > https://raku.org/community
> >
> > Looking at the archive for that list, it has been **very** low traffic 
> > indeed: the last message was
> >
> > sent in 2015. So we clearly haven't been using it, and starting now (when 
> > we're about to finally
> > move on to raku-* mailing lists) probably doesn't make much sense. But, 
> > once we do, making an
> > effort
> > to actually use the raku-announce list seems like a good way to address 
> > this issue.
> >
> > Finally, Richard, in the interest of not taking you by surprise again on 
> > the same topic, I wanted to
> > mention that, inspired by the proposed doc site redesign and your comments 
> > about the broader topic,
> > I'm now working on a proof of concept along the same lines (because I have 
> > a slightly different vision
> > of what a redesigned website might look like, but don't think I can 
> > communicate it without a POC).  I
> > hope to be able to share more details in the coming days.
> >
> > Best,
> > Daniel / codesections

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