Probably not a shared goal.

State surveillance has been a "mandate" since the
inception of communications - postal, long before
electronic.  Essentially ever nation engages in it.
Most users don't care.  Some welcome it. Few users
will pay the price or accept the contraints to mitigate it.
Even fewer providers will go out of business to avoid
it.  In most instances involving individuals, the State
threat represents a far less a danger than other actors.
The obvious exceptions are industrial espionage and

The paranoid should climb inside a sealed mu-metal
box with a Faraday shield around it and never exit.


On 10/10/2013 3:09 PM, Stephen Farrell wrote:
Going back to a mail from Yoav a few weeks ago - we're not trying to
prevent state surveillance, but we would like to make it more
expensive so Yoav isn't on the list of folks that they can afford
to surveil. Assuming we share that description as a goal, (do we?)
what other kind of folks do you think we might need to make progress
on that?

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